As the dust settles

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NOTE: Please read the description before starting the story. Enjoy!

There was a cloud of dust that covered the Island. The circle of friends were blown and scattered all over the island.
They lay unconscious on the ground surrounded by debris and caked with dirt. As the dust settled Natsu begain to stir. "UHHH! Man what just happened", he groaned He stated to scan his surroundings. Then the reality of what happened flooded his memory. "Where is everyone?," he asked himself scratching his head. Then something started to move beside him. A blue paw appeared and a small whimper was heard. "Natsu?",the small exceed whispered. "HAPPY! THANK GOD YOUR OK!", Natsu yelled happily pulling his little buddy out of the rubble. He gave him a gentle hug, and Happy snuggled into his chest both with a sigh of relief. Natsu looked down at his blue friend and pet his head. "Let's go find Lucy", he proclaimed with a gentle smile. The pair got up from the ground dusting themselves off, and proceeded to find their blond partner.

A few Feet away a small hand twitched and a low wisper of a groan rose from the debris. A wisk of blond locks blew in the wind as the Celestial Mage rolled to her side and attempted to sit up. "UHHHGGG!" she cried as a sharp pain hit her side. She glanced at where the pain was...a large cut covered her right side and was bleeding. She looked around her trying to figure out where she was. "The attack must have thrown us," she thought to herself. She slowly shuffled to her knees and placed one hand on the ground and the other holding her wound. "I have to find the others," she weakly whispered, "I hope they are ok." Suddenly she noticed two silhouettes moving towards her, one taller than the other. She started to feel an overwhelming dizziness in her head. "Who's there?", Lucy whispered as she looked towards the shapes comming her way. She was fighting to stay conscious but the pain the dizziness was taking its toll. The shapes stopped for a moment hearing the slight wisper of Lucy's voice. They started running in her direction. "LUCY!?! Is that you?", a familiar voice shouted. Lucy looked toward the voice and saw a salmon headed person and a small blue object running toward her. "N-Natsu?!?"...she whispered. A tear escaped her eye as everything went black.
Lucy slumped face down to the ground as Natsu ran to her side. He rolled her over to her back and noticed the wound on her side. "HAPPY SHE'S HURT!", he yelled in panic, "We have to find Wendy fast!"

Natsu took his vest off and wrapped it around Lucy' waist to cover the laceration. He picked her up gently and carried her as He and Happy stated to search for Wendy and the others calling their names as they quickly walked along searching the Island for the other survivors.

Note: This is my first fan fiction. I hope you enjoy...not sure how long this will be.

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