The Plan

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As Happy and Lucy walked back to the camp, Lucy stopped for a minute and looked down towards the ground. "Why," she asked herself., "why does this kind of stuff always happen to us?" "Are you ok Lucy?," Happy asked looking at her with concern.  She looked at the little blue exceed, crouched down and pet his head. "Im fine Happy, she assured him, "just trying to take all this in, thats all." He gave her a smile and ran ahead "Hey guys I found her!", he shouted in the camp. "Wonderful good job Happy," Mira said as she handed him a fish. "You deserve this.", she added with a smile. ""Fishhy!", Happy said with excitement as he gnawed on it.

Suddenly a group ran towards the cam "LUCY!!", yelled a voice comming near them. She look in the direction of the voice and saw a salmon hair man running her direction. He approached her and about tackled her in a hug ...she took a step back to try to keep her balance. "Dont run off like that", the fire dragon slayer said with concearn, "I dont know what I would do if I lost you." She blushed as she returned his embrace and leaned her head on his shoulder. "I'm fine Natsu," she gently reassured him, "I just wanted to go for a walk". "Well next time take me with you, who knows what's out there," he said. Mira was squealing in delight as she watched the team mates embrace." She silently whispered about her ship and nalu happening. Natsu looked up at  Mira.."Did you say something Mira?" He asked. "Oh nothing Natsu," she sang as she wandered off by her sister with a beaming smile.

"OK LISTEN UP BRATS!", yelled a booming raspy voice. "Since we are stuck here untill the spell wears off I suggest that we work on better shelters and make sure we have enough food and supplies.  Lucky for us Master Mavis has told me that there is boutiful fruit and vegetation, fresh water on the island as well as wild game for us to hunt and a lake fully stocked with fish. "Fiiisshhh," drolled Happy. Carla gave him a firm look, "Quitet Tom Cat," she scolded. The master continued..."Erza, I'll leave you in charge of organizing teams for hunting and gathering.  Gildarts, you are in charge of organizing a crew to build permanent shelters. Mira, you will be in charge of housing and sleeping arrangements. The rest of you brats will do as these three tell you, GOT IT!!" "Yes Master", they all answer back. Everyone scurried about as Erza, Gildarts, and Mira assigned people to the task at hand.

They felt at peace with the situation and decided to accept it the only way they knew how, together as a family.

The Memories of the Lost: 7 years on Tenrou Island (Under Heavy Revision)Where stories live. Discover now