The Arrangements

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Days passed into weeks, and the Island took on a whole new look. There were neat well built structures for storing supplies and sleeping and living. They even built a small guild hall in the center. Erza barked orders to the men and made schedules for hunting and fishing and gathering produce. Gildarts made sure that all the structures were weather safe and strong, as well as constructing beds, tables, and other needed items. Mira organized the girls to weave blankets and baskets and other useful items to cook with ( with the assistance of a certain iron dragon slayer and a small bookworm)

Mira then organized who would be living with who to the objection of many. "Do you have a problem with my decisions?!?," she asked with fire in her eyes and a scary black aura surrounding her. "N-no Mam!", everyone answered in fear of the demon woman. "Good then," she said with a cheerful smile, "here are your assigned roommates" Mira posted a paper up on the wall of their guild hall for everyone to read. Everyone rushed up and was pushing each other trying to see who was with who. "All right!" came a shot from Gildarts,"Cana is with me! Now we can have some Daddy Daughter time." He was grinning from ear to ear in delight. "Tch", she replied, "whatever." Grey looked for his name on the list...he found it and started to shudder. "J-Juvia and I-I a-are roommates?!?," he said as he turned pale. "Grey Darling!'" Juvia said as she tacked him, "Juvia is delighted we will be living together!" Grey tried to get away but Juvia held tight to the reluctant ice mage. Natsu laughed and pointed at Grey, enjoying his turmoil. "Go ahead and laugh flame brain," he scowled, "let's see who you get as a room mate.
Just then Lucy found her name...a slight blush hit her cheeks as she read the name of her roommate. "N-Natsu?"....she replied..."I-I have to live with N-Natsu?!?" "That's great Luce!", Natsu said throwing his arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. He has a wide happy grin on his face. He was pleased with the decision. He face turned red and she squirmed a bit it the firm embrace. " close," she whimpered he face turning redder. Not paying attention to her whimper, Natsu slightly tightened his grip and wildly smile with a large toothy grin.

Levy looked at them and giggled as she saw the utter embarrassment on Lucy's face. Gajeel stepped up to the document and scanned with his finger..."please be a guy...please be a guy"...he whispered to himself. His finger fell on his name and he slowly moved it to reveal........."SHRIMP?!?!" he shouted. Levy looked up with a surprised look at Gajeel slowly turned toward her. His face was blush red and he began to mumble incoherently something about living with the cats instead. Levy ran over to the paper and confirmed what Gajeel viewed. "W-WHA WHY?!?, she cried. Mira walked by with an evil smirk on her face. "Come on guys, it will be ok, you'll see," she exclaimed almost dancing away in utter bliss.

The others fell with the shock as one by one each persons roommate was revealed.
Here is the complete list:
Grey and Juvia
Natsu and Lucy
Gajeel and Levy
Bixlow and Lissana
Evergreen and Elfman
Erza and Wendy and Carla
Freed and Panther Lilly
Macaroff and Happy
Gildarts and Cana
Lauxis and Mirajane

Erza and Wendy were happy and hugged each other and started talking about decorating. Others poured and complained asking why fate was so cruel. They stopped when they saw the fiery glare of a fuming Demon Takeover Mage. With heavy sighs and some excitement the pairs went to their separate ways and arranged their living spaces.

The Memories of the Lost: 7 years on Tenrou Island (Under Heavy Revision)Where stories live. Discover now