Dear Mom and Dad

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Dear Mom and Dad,

I hope you all are doing well. I'm sorry if I worried you both being gone for the last 7 years. I found out that you had passed away Dad. Thank you for all the birthday presents and paying my rent for the time I was gone. I just wish I had been here for you and got to say good bye. Things are getting back to normal in the guild now that we are back. We went to a Magical Ball where our mission was to protect the daughter of the host. It was such a beautiful night, I even was able to get Natsu to dance with me. He did really well other than getting sick all over my dress. I dont know why but ever since we came back from Tenrou Island, I have felt a closer connection to him. In my dreams we are more than best friends and partners. I feel sometimes like I have forgoten something important that was between us. Oh well, I'm sure i will figure it out. You would have liked him Mom. Sometimes he is loud, and obnoxious, has a fiery temper, always hungry, or picking a fight with Gray. But he is also kind, caring, loyal, and protective of me. That's what I love about him and I don't know what I would do without him.....

Lucy paused and looked at what she wrote. Did she really love Natsu? She sat and looked toward the window. "Hey Lucy, what cha doing?" Replied a salmon haired fire dragon slayer leaping into the room. She jumped at his sudden unexpected appearance causing her chair to fall back. Natsu quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her forward out of the chair and into his chest. "Gezz Luce you're such a klutz,"  he said as he held her. "Too close," she wimpered blushing. "Huh?" he questioned. He realized how close they were standing. He blushed and pushed her away and turned away from her. He ran his fingers through his hair with a nervous laugh. "So Lucy, what you doing?" He asked. "Well...I was writing a letter before you scared me," she answered as she reset the chair and sat down at her desk. He walked over and looked over her sholder. "Who you writing to?" He asked. She grabbed the letter and held it towards her chest. "Its personal!" she snapped. "Ugghhg fine," he growled with a sigh. He plopped down on the couch. Lucy went back to writing her letter.....

So Mom and Dad, I want to let you know, I'm doing fine on my own because I have my Family at Fairy Tail to watch over me. And of course Natsu. Well I better go for now. I love you both.

Love your daughter,


She looked over her letter and smiled. She carefully folded it and placed it in an envelope. Natsu watched her intently. He always thought she was so graceful in her movements. She placed the letter in a box and closed her eyes for a moment with her hands on top of the closed box. She sighed and cleaned up her desk.

Natsu kept watching her until Lucy turned towards him. He quickly turned his head. "Come on Luce, let's go on a job," he stated. "Ok, she answered as she put papers away. When she finished, she stood up. "Alright, let's go!," he said excitedly. They headed toward the guild talking about him using the door instead of the window. He responded "Where's the fun in that." She just sighed and looked at him with a smile as she shook her head.

The sun begain to set in the horizon. The sky darkened  and stars begain to appear in the sky. Natsu looked at Lucy and suddenly picked her up and started to run. "Natsu!" she protested, "what are you doing, put me down". He came to a clearing and set her down. "Lucy look!" He pointed up toward the sky as he held her around her sholders. She looked up and gasped at the beauty of th dancing stars the sparkled so brightly. She leaned her head on his shoulder and sighed. He looked down at her and sweetly smiled. He knew she loved to look at the stars. "Thanks Natsu," she said. "No problem Lucy, anything for you," he said. They both looked up in the sky and took in the view.

They continued waiching the stars for quite some time, enjoying each others company. They didnt know what tomorow would be like or what the rest of their future would hold. One thing they knew, they would always be together somehow. It was like a promise they couldn't break. They couldn't remember when they made this promise, but they intended to keep it.

Even though their time on the Island was forgotten. Fate always seemed to pull them together. In spite of it all they could create new memories....together....forever. 

The End

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