Feelings and Dreams

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Lucy ran around the house in a rush. If she was late those crazy Mages will kill her. "Honey....have you seen my keys?," Lucy yelled as she knocked on the bathroom door. "They are on the dresser," a muffled voice answered back. She went to the dresser and saw her pouch with all keys in place. She attached them to her belt and patted them. "So where are you headed in such a hurry?," said a deep voice. She turned and saw a Salmon colored haired dragon slayer half dressed drying his hair with a towel. "Mira and Erza asked if I could help her today with a few thing," she answered. She began to run out the door when Natsu grabbed her wrist  and swung her near him into a embrace. " You cant leave without giving me a kiss," he said as he smiled and held her close next to his bare chest. "Natsu! I'm gonna be late," she said giggling. He lifted her chin and moved in for a kiss. She melted in his arms as she returned the kiss and threw her arms around his neck. They broke the kiss and gazed into each others eyes. They both began to speak...I love yo.....CRASH!

Lucy and Natsu woke up in a fright! Natsu was holding Lucy around the waist as they slept. He started to sit up... "What was that?,"he replied. "I dont know lets go....w-ait?, she stated, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED!" she shouted as she moved slightly away from him moving his arm. He looked around for a moment. "I-I don't know," he replied, "I fell asleep in my house, and woke up here?" He looked confused. He looked around the room again, and then at Lucy. True he has broken into her apartment more times than either of them could count, but lately....he has woke up next to her and doesn't remember how he got there. 

"Natsu...this has to stop," she said as she pushed him out of her bed and He fell in the floor with a slight thud. "Ever since we came back from the Island I keep finding you here like this.....why don't you....."  She stopped for a moment and looked at him. He ran his fingers through his soft salmon hair. He sat staring at the floor looking confused and a bit lost. She got out of the bed and keeled down next to him. "Is everything alright,?" She asked. He looked up at her. Her big brown eyes were filled with concern and kindness.  He gazed into her eyes and his heart started beating faster. He felt like reaching for her and kissing her, holding her and never letting her go. He shook his head. "No were best friends," he thought, "I don't even think she feels that way about me. He looked up at her again, she reached for his hand which caused them both to blush at the touch. She quickly looked away he heart started Racing. "What is wrong with me," she thought,  "He's my best friend, I'm sure he doesn't feel this way about me.  A few minutes later Natsu broke the silence..."Thanks Luce," he said. "I'll be ok. It's just I have had some strange dreams...they seem so real." He said. He looked away and his face turned red as he thought about his dreams. "I-I have had some strange dreams as well," she confessed. Natsu turned in surprise at her comment. She saw his gaze and her face turned red as well. The both quickly looked away. 

They heard a noise coming towards them. "Hey guys, what you doing?," Happy said which caused Lucy to jump. "Happy?," Natsu questioned, when did you get here?" "About an hour ago," he answered. "I woke up to get a fish and you wasn't there, so I guessed you u would be here." The blue exceed added.  " I'm sorry Lucy, I broke one of your bowls," he said as he hung his head. "Its ok," she said as she reached for him and gave him a hug. Happy buried himself in her chest. Natsu starred at happy and let out a low growl. Why was he feeling jealous of happy hugging Lucy? He turned to look at the floor again trying to figure out what was going on will these feelings. Lucy looked at Natsu and said something but he didn't hear because he was deep in thought. "NATSU!"' Lucy yelled at she shook him. "Are you sure your alright, your scaring me a little," she said. "Huh, wha...?", he said while looking up, "did you say something Lucy?" "Honestly Natsu, sometimes i dont know what is going on in that head of yours," she said with a deep sigh. "He looked intently at her. Her eyes sparkeld a bit as she looked at him "If only you knew," he thought to himself. "You looovvvee each other!," Happy giggled with a sly grin. "Shut up Cat!," Lucy shouted and gave him an angry look.

 She looked back at Natsu. "So do you want to go or not?," she ashed as she began to get up off the floor. "Go where?, " he answered. "To the guild to find a job," she answered. Natsu looked at her and a huge smile formed. His eyes became wide and excited. "Oh yeah! Lets go!," he said as he grabbed Lucy's wrist and jumped out the window with her. "Wait Natsu!," she protested, "Let me change first!" He looked back at her as he practically drug her towards the guild. "You look great," he said which made Lucy blush a little, "Now come on Lucy......Let's go on an adventure!" They ran toward the guild together, as best friends....as a team....they always felt better together.

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