Wasting time

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"Lucy wake up," Natsu said as he gently nudged her. Lucy groaned...."Naatssuu ssttoooppp...let me sleep." He looked at her as he leaned on his elbow laying next to her. She was trying her best to sleep facing the opposite direction of him.. "Come on Luce"...he protested. Natsu started kissing the back of her neck as he grabbed her by the waist and turned her towards him. He kissed her passionately on the lips and brushed her hair from her eyes. "I'm lonely"...he wined...as he embraced her and kissed her neck and cheek. He raised up and looked at her half open brown eyes and gave her a sad puppy dog look. Lucy who was half awake, sighed..."fine I'm awake...she started to get up. "Alright!", he cheered as he pulled her out of the bed completely and embraced her while swinging her around in circles. "Natsu," I'm gonna get sick unless you stop.", she said feeling a bit nauseous being swung around so early in the morning.

He put her down and rubbed the back of his neck.."Sorry Luce," he said with a chuckle, " guess I got carried away." "What time it it any ways," she asked as she yawned and stretched. "Who cares," he answered, "come on lets go." "Go where," she said with a stretch. "On an adventure!" he answered with a toothy grin. He started pushing her into the bathroom and started pulling her nightgown off of her. "Natsu"...what are you doi..." she began as he yanks the gown over her head and puts a blouse over her face. "Come on Luce..." he said excitedly.."were wasting time." He continued to forcefully dress her as she protested that he was putting her clothes on backwards. "Natsu....I can dress my self," she said as she tried to turn her blouse around the right way and pushing him out of the bathroom so she could fix the tangled mess he caused. "Ok...fine..but hurry the sun is comming up," he's said as he reluctantly left the room. Lucy adjusted her clothes and sighed. "What is his problem," she thought to herself, "why the rush this morning?"

She walked out of the bathroom and Natsu jumped up from the chair he was sitting in waiting for her. "Ok let's go!, he exclaimed as he picked Lucy up and tossed her over his sholder and ran out of the house. Lucy tried to catch her breath as she dangled from Natsu's sholder. Natsu ran faster into the surrounding forest as the sun started to rise. "Why the rush, put me down," she protested. "I can't," he said, "we dont want to waste time."

They came to a clearing and he abruptly stopped and sat Lucy down and swung her around to face the horizon. He held her from behind with his arms around her sholders. He bent down slightly and leaned his head against her sholder. The sun began to creep up and shine its golden aura in the sky. Lucy gasped at the beauty as she watched. Natsu nuzzled and kissed her neck gently. They leaned their heads together as the sun ascended into the sky. She lifted her hand and placed it on his head. "So what adventure are we going on today?" she asked him. "This is it" he stated with a sweet smile...."every moment I have left with you to share moments like this Luce is an adventure," he said holding her. His smile slowly turned into a frown and he held her tighter. She turned facing him, and kissed him throwing her hands around the back of his neck. He held her firmly afraid if he let go, she would vanish. "So do you want to go to the guild now?," she asked him. "No," he answered, "not today." He answered. He  just wanted to hold her. He didnt want to miss a minute away from her. He softly wimpered as he rested his head on her sholder.

Lucy slightly pulled away from his embrace to look at him. He gazed lovingly at her. But she saw sadness In his eyes. "Natsu...are you ok?" she asked with concearn in her big brown eyes. "You've been acting strange ever since that day in the guild."She brushed the hair away from his forehead, and held gently his cheek.  "I-i dont want to waste time," he said slightly turning away from her gaze. He felt tears welling up in his eyes. He didnt want her to worry, he didnt want her to see him cry. "I have to be strong for both of us," he thought. "What do you mean my love?," she asked as she turned his head back with her hand. "Tell me what is wrong." she pleaded.

Natsu looked at Lucy and pulled her into a strong embrace. "I'm afraid of losing you," he said as his voice cracked slightly. "What?", she said shocked by his words, "your not going to loose me." She felt his warm embrace star to loosen as he slid to the ground to his knees. He slumped his body and head down towards the ground. "But...I will forget all this and how I feel about you," he said, "I feel like I-I,m gonna loose you forever." She bent down and kneeled in front of him. "You will never loose me Natsu," she said holding his hands, "no matter what we forget, we will always find a way to be together even if it is as best friends and partners." She looked down and sighed. "I know it is scary, and unknown. But we will never loose each other," she said as she ran her fingers through his soft salmon hair. She leaned towards him and gave him a loving kiss. He returned her kiss. Then embraced her tightly. "Thanks Luce"...he said. "I feel a bit better now." She slid beside him as he still held her. She sighed..."let's just enjoy today...let tomorow worry about itself." They sat watching the horizon as the golden Ray's of the sun shone down on them. Somehow they knew they would be ok, and always be together.

The Memories of the Lost: 7 years on Tenrou Island (Under Heavy Revision)Where stories live. Discover now