The Confession

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They gently pulled away from each others lips and smiled. He looked into those big beautiful brown eyes and decided to tell her right then what his heart has been feeling for a long time. He gently took her hand and led her to sit in the grass. He bent down and sat in front of her and took a deep breath. "Lucy"...Natsu started.."we have know each other for many years. You have been my partner and team mate, and my best friend. But something  happened that I just cant explain." "What?",she asked as she gazed into his eyes. "I-l fell in love with ya Luce," he confessed.

"I cant explain it," he said as he stood up. He started pacing back and forth running his fingers through his hair. He faced her and started taking with his hands pacing.  "When I'm around you...i..I cant think strait...I get lost in your eyes. When we are apart...i feel if my world is comming to an end. I feel like l have to be near you every minute. Tho be there for you to keep you safe,....for me to feel safe. You make me stronger Luce! I feel like I can do anything when your by my side. You make me feel the the impossible is possible. you more than I can tell you." He looked over at the beautiful blond gazing at him...absorbing every word he said. She had tears in her eyes as he poured out his heart and soul to her. He saw her tears and got nervous. "Umm..Luce..I'm sorry...he said   as he knelt In Front of her again placing  his hand on her arms.. "I  didnt mean to make you upset"...he stopped and sat to side of her...he slumped his shoulders and hung his head. "I said too much didnt I," he sighed and looked at her.

She looked at him with love in her eyes. "What you said was perfect," she declared as she scooted close to him so she could reat her head on his warm shoulder and hug his arm. "I-I love you too Natsu," she softly confessed. "I have for a while, I was just too afraid to tell you because I didnt know if you felt the same." "Well I do Luce," he said as he wiped the tears from her angelic face."and I'm glad you feel the same way for me."She leaned into his warmth as he wraped his arms around her, and they sat there taking in the moment.
Lucy felt so right in his arms. She never wanted this moment to end. But then she remembered what First Master Mavis told them. She looked over at th handsome fire dragon slayer. This guy just poured his heart and soul out to her. His love is real...her love is real. But will it all really be forgoten? She started to feel nervous and insecure. "What if this is all just a dream?", she thought, "A crule trick that life likes to play on us." Natsu sensed her anxiety. "Luce? ok?" He asked looking down at her as she hung her head and tears were in her eyes."Please Lucy, you know I hate seeing you cry," he pleaded, " tell me what's wrong....please....I am here for you." She looked at the man she loved and that loved her back. "Its just...its just what Master Mavis said that still bothers me," she begain, "I know our feelings are real...but what if we forget after the spell wears off. What if we never confess to each other"....she began to cry...."what if I loose you forever without you know how I love you." She buried her head into his scarf and sobbed. "Shhhh....dont worry Luce"...he began..."No matter what, I will always be there at your side, always fighting for you....always protecting you...and always loving you." He kissed her cheek. Spell or no spell...we will always find a way to be together, no matter what, I promise you." Lucy looked in his eyes and saw the sincerity in them. "Your right", she exclaimed, " we will always find a way." She leaned in closely to her love and felt the warmth of his body. He hugged her tighter, reassuring her that everything would be alright as he held her and kissed her forehead.
"So do you still want to go exploring?" Lucy asked with a giggle. "Nah"....he answered.."I found what I was looking for"...he looked down at her and kissed her foread... "right here."   They held each other close for hours talking and laughing at each others stories.

Back at the guild Mira stopped in full motion and a tray she was holding fell to the floor. Cana who was still sitting at the bar saw her. "What's wrong Mira?", she asked. Mira looked around for a moment. Then twirled around laughing  joyfuly. With her hands in the air she burst out "ONE OF MY SHIPS HAVE SAILD!!!" Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at her wondering what she was talking about. Cana slapped her hand on table.."Well, that's one down and more to go"..she exclaimed as she lift he mug like a toast and took a large swig.

The sun began to set and Natsu and Lucy watched the golden light escape the sky. He looked at her as the sky slowly turned deep blue and stars began to appear. She felt his gaze and turned towards him. He took his had and caressed the side of her face. They both leaned toward each other and kissed. "I love you Luce"...he said in a soft wisper. "I love you to".....she whispered back. They watched the stars come out one by one before heading to their home.

The Memories of the Lost: 7 years on Tenrou Island (Under Heavy Revision)Where stories live. Discover now