The Nightmare

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"MASTER!", the Scarlet Hair Mage ran into the guild hall Yelling in Panic. "I woke up this Morning and Wendy and Carla were missing!" Everyone stopped what they were doing and tuned their attention to the commotion. "Are you sure Erza?" Natsu asked as he stood up from the table he and Lucy were at, "Maybe they are with Happy or Something." "I've already checked," she replied, "and he sai...." The room went dark and silent. She looked around the guild and saw no one. "Where is everyone?" She asked as she slowly walked between the tables. "They are back in their places from 7 years ago"...a voice answered. "And it's time for you to go to your place as well".... "Wait, no....its too soon,: she protested. Erza felt a force from behind pull her from the guild hall....she saw the structures they built crumble and disappear as though the never existed... She saw her guild mates unconscious being pulled and scattered all over the island. She fought back the force pulling her but it was too late...she fell into utter darkness.

"NOOOOOO!", Erza woke up in a fright screaming. Wendy ran into her room..." Big sister Erza, are you ok?" she asked with a worried look. "It was just a dream...." Erza muttered. Erza turned to Wendy and told her about the dream. They agreed to share it with the Master and the guild right away. They hurried to the guild and found the Master and the rest of the group there. Erza told the Master and everyone the dream. "Its a premonition," a voice said. They all looked around and then spotted Mavis sitting behind them on the bar dangling her feet in a playful mannor. "What do you mean first Master, Macaroff asked. She paused and looked around at her children. They watched her intently with questions in their eyes. "The spell is almost broken," she began, "I thought we had more time, but it appears it is beginning to loose its strength." Everyone became silent and still. According to their calculations, there should be at least 3 more months left before the spell was broken on the Island. Even though they knew it was comming, it still shocked everyone to hear it could happen any time.

Lucy quietly wimpered as tears filled her eyes. Natsu looked at his love and pulled her tight wrapping his arms around her. Feeling his embrace, she turned her body facing him and buried her face into his chest an silently cried. Natsu hated to see her cry. He hugged her tightly as he Felt tears roll down his face as well. His throat felt dry as he layed his head on Lucy's shoulder and softly rubbed her back gently whispering to her that it will be ok.

The reality set in that they would lose all their memory of the Last 7 years possibly in days....not months as they had anticipated. Gray looked around and saw all his friend fall into a deep sadness crying and embracing each other."Hey guys come on now," Gray stated breaking the silence, "we all knew this day was comming, no need to get all worked up over it." Juvia looked at Gray with tears in her eyes. She stood up and ran out of the guild hall. Gray looked shocked and started to go after her, but stopped. Natsu looked up as he held Lucy a bit tighter. . "Shut up Grey, he said with an angry glare, "this is not the time to be talking like that. Can't you see what's going on." He took Lucy by the hand and they started to walk out of the guild hall. He turned and glared at the ice mage with disgust. "Yeah we knew this would happen," he stated, "but it doesn't mean we have to like it or be happy about it, also we thought it was a few months away." He turned to look at Lucy. Her beautiful eyes were red and swollen from the tears. He still thought she looked a beautiful as ever. He gave her a gentle loving smile... "Now we have to enjoy the time we have left with the best we can with those we love and care for," he added. "Come on my love, let's go home." Lucy sniffed and tried to smile as she shook her head in agreement, and she let him lead her back to their place.

The Memories of the Lost: 7 years on Tenrou Island (Under Heavy Revision)Where stories live. Discover now