✖️Question 1✖️

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Shadow_Midnight asks: "Zack? Do you love Rachel?"

Zack: *spits out drink* What kinda fucking question is that?!"

Phantom: A simple one! Answer it :3

Zack: *sighs* Well...I guess I kinda...WAIT FUCK NO IM NOT ANSWERING!"

Phantom: You basically already answered. And could you please stop cursing in front of our guests?

Zack: Shadow_Midnight or whoever the fuck you are I swear I"ll hunt you down and-"

Phantom: Next question!  Shadow_Midnight asks again: "Rachel, what do you think of Zack?"

Rachel: "Well, he's kinda dumb"

Zack: "Wha-"

Rachel: "But that just makes him cute" *smiles*

Zack: *blushes* "T-that's...your smile still sucks!"

Rachel: "Im sorry, could I make it up to you somehow?"

Zack: *growls and looks away* "Fuck no! But I guess ya ain't a bad person either Ray"

Rachel: *blushes* "Thank you Zack"

Zack: "Tch, whatever ya brat"

Phantom: *claps* "Aw, how cute! Well that's all the time we have for today! See ya next time!


How did I do? :)

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