✖️Question 6✖️

423 19 9

mystically_e asks: "Danny, what was your mother like?"

Phantom: "Oh boy..."

Danny: "My mother? She was a very caring woman...to everyone else that is."

Phantom: "I'm sorry to hear that Danny, that sounds awful to deal with as a kid."

Danny: "I suppose, but she was beautiful! Even when she looked at me with utter disgust her eyes sparkled."

Phantom: "Danny? Are you sure your ok? Aren't mother's supposed to care about their children?"

Danny: "I suppose so, but it didn't matter. There was often times when I went hungry for days because she was too sad to even think about cooking. But I don't blame her."

Phantom: "I think that's the opposite of what a mother is supposed to do...what happened to her anyways?"

Danny: "Well, I walked in her room one day to ask for some money for ice cream, and discovered that she had hung herself."

Phantom: "Danny I-"

Danny: *grins* "But her eyes! So exquisite! So deep! So...dead."

Phantom: "Uh..."

Danny: "Now that I think about it, maybe mystically_e has beautiful eyes too?"

Phantom: "Danny, please don't do anything you'll regret."

Danny: "I would never regret taking someone's eyes...never have."

Phantom: "Ok...I hope that doesn't mean what I'm thinking."

Danny: *chuckles*

Phantom: "Bye guys..."

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