✖️Message 1✖️

513 14 1

user76917460 says: "Zack, as much as I love you  and find you adorable, you really need to calm your tits and shut the fuck up every now and then. And don't think about raising your farming tool at me, I was born in a strict Hispanic family. We dealt with worse. Slap some sense into you with a wooden chancla. Now come to the table and have some chicken empanadas."

Zack: "...."

Phantom: "Are you ok Zack...?"

Zack: "What the actual fuck did they say?"

Phantom: "Put simply, your quite aggressive sometimes and will probably be taught a lesson if you don't calm down."

Zack: "What?! No one talks to me like that and-"

Phantom: "Zack, I don't think you want to threaten this guest. I have a really bad feeling about this one."

Zack: *grumbles* "But-"

Phantom: *glares* "Zack!"

Zack: "Ok ok!"

Phantom: "Thank you. On the brightside, the guest seems to have given you a dinner invitation for some empanadas."

Zack: "The fuck are those?"

Phantom: "According to what I found it's a baked or fried pasty, that usually has some sort of pastry and filling."

Zack: "Well, I guess I am kind of hungry..."

Phantom: "Well if you do have dinner with the guest, I suggest you behave yourself."

Zack: "Yeah whatever..."

Phantom: "See you guys later!"

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