✖️Question 3✖️

497 14 10

Adori-chan asks: "Cathy, what's your favorite punishment?"

Cathy: Oh my! I was starting to wonder when I'd my chance in the spotlight!"

Phantom: "Unfortunately Cathy, Zack is by far the most popular. Plus, you did try to kill him".

Cathy: "I wasn't trying to kill him at first! I was just doing my job!"

Phantom: *laughs* Anyway, what is your favorite punishment?"

Cathy: *taps her chin smiling* "Oh, there's just too many!"

Phantom: "Pick one"

Cathy: "Locking then in a steel chamber and boiling them alive!"

Phantom: *blinks* "Oh that's..."

Cathy: "Or when I dangle them 10 feet above the ground, cut the rope, and watch them plummet to their death above spikes!"

Phantom: "Cathy, that's enough-"

Cathy: *laughs evilly* "I strap them to a chair, inject them with my special medicine and watch their skin melt away!"

Phantom: "CATHY!"

Cathy: *jumps up startled* "Did I lose it again? My bad dear"

Phantom: *nervously* "It's alright, um, Cathy. I think we've run it if time..."

Cathy: "But I just started!"

Phantom: "I don't want to hear anymore...bye!"

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