✖️Question 5✖️

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WolfTronix asks: "Eddie, what's your favorite flower? Mine is roses."

Eddie: "Oh yay! A question for me!"

Phantom: *laughs* Yep, and I've actually been wondering this question myself."

Eddie: "Hm, I think I really like daisies".

Phantom: "Daisies? Well that's kinda surprising. Why though?"

Eddie: Because Rachel looks really good with daisies. Don't you think?"

Phantom: "I don't think I have an opinion on that Eddie."

Eddie: "Do you think Rachel would like some on her gravestone when she dies?"

Phantom: "Maybe...you should ask her? But I don't think she's going to need a gravestone soon..."

Eddie: "Yeah she will. Because I'm gonna kill her."

Phantom: "...."

Eddie: "What's wrong?"

Phantom: "I'm gonna just leave" *sweats nervously*

Eddie: "You don't look so well...?"

Phantom: "Bye..."

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