✖️Question 7✖️

427 15 7

Shadow_Midnight asks: "Rachel, have you ever had any romantic feelings for Zack?"

Rachel: "Romantic feelings...?"

Phantom: "You do know what those are right?"

Rachel: "Of course I do! I just...well..."

Phantom: "Aw, do you actually have a crush on Zack?"

Rachel: "Yeah, but it's confusing in a way. Plus, I have no idea how'd I even tell him."

Phantom: "I could help! Or maybe one of our guests will dare you to ask him out hehe."

Rachel: "Please no..."

Eddie: "Wait who are you asking out Rachel?."

Rachel: "Possibly Zack, why?"

Eddie: "That idiot?!"

Phantom: "Hey Eddie! Our guest has another question just for you!"

Eddie: "Huh?"

Shadow_Midnight asks: "Eddie you seem nice and all, but when will you get it through that thick skull of yours that Rachel only sees you as a friend?"

Eddie: "What kind of question is this!?"

Rachel: "Eddie, it's true. I don't think of you as anything more than a friend. I want us to stay that way."

Eddie: "Rachel...no! I'll never give up!"

Phantom: "Eddie..."

Eddie: "Leave me alone!" *runs out*

Rachel: "Eddie..."

Phantom: "Don't worry about him he'll be fine."

Rachel: *shrugs* "If you say so."

Phantom: "Bye guys!"

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