✖️Message 2✖️

436 13 7

Adori-chan says: "Zack, your so cute when you smile!"

Zack: "I have a question for the guest."

Phantom: "Go right ahead...?"

Zack: "Are you blind? Or just fucked in the head? What kinda person finds a serial killer cute when they smile? Especially me? Gross!"

Phantom: "Zack, it's a compliment. Your supposed to say thank you!"

Zack: "Thank you?! Fuck no!"

Phantom: "I don't think you realize that it's a good thing. It means the guest finds you attractive..."

Zack: *blushes* "Attractive?"

Phantom: *nods*

Zack: *smiles* "Well that's better than cute..."

Phantom: "See? You do look pretty good when you smile" :)

Zack: "Shut it! Also...thank you...Adori-chan ."

Phantom: "I'm sure the guest appreciates that Zack"

Zack: *turns red* "Y-Yeah..."

Phantom: "See ya!"

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