✖️Dare 4✖️

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mystically_e : "I dare Eddie to kiss Zack on the cheek and then Rachel!"

Eddie: "Huh?"

Zack: "So they actually want me to kill myself?"

Phantom: "Well that's no-"

Zack: "I'd much rather kill myself than have Eddie touch me with his crusty busty lips."

Eddie: "Your one to talk! You wanna talk about crusty? Look at yourself!"

Zack: "Do you want me to put your head in the toilet again? Because I will."

Eddie: "Bring it on!"

Rachel: "Guys enough! Eddie, just do the dare and it will be over with ok?"

Eddie: "Ok, but only because I get to kiss my darling Rachel!"

Zack: "On the cheek you moron! If your lips so much as brush Rachel's, I will slice them off and feed them to you. Then I'll choke you to death!"

Phantom: *gulps nervously* "Please don't Zack."

Zack: "No fucking promises."

*Eddie walks over to Zack, standing directly in front of him. He motions for Zack to get on his knees. Zack obeys, an angry glare in his face.*

Eddie: "Can you stop looking at me like that? This is mystically_e fault you know!"

Zack: "Just hurry up!"

*Eddie closes his eyes and kisses Zack's cheek*

Eddie: "I've got to bleach my lips now..." *spits*

Zack: "Whatever brat."

Eddie: "Rachel! Your turn!"

Rachel: "You sound way too happy..."

*Eddie crosses the room to Rachel, and quickly gives her a peck on the cheek.*

Rachel: "Thank you Eddie."

Eddie: "So you liked it?"

Rachel: "Um, well just as a friend...yeah."

Zack: *bursts into laughter* "Ha! Rejection!"

Eddie: *growls and tackles Zack* "Shut up!"

Rachel: "Oh no"

*Eddie and Zack wrestle each other on the floor*

Phantom: "Guess that's all for now guys! *laughs*

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