Chapter 1

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_____________*Bullpen*_____________It was 3 am and Tony and Ziva were still sitting at their desks, whilst McGee was getting coffee. "Where the hell is probie, Ziva?" asked Tony. 'Ding!'

"Well, Tony, here he is," replied Ziva, as McGee walked out of the elevator. "Sorry guys, Abby needed a Caf-Pow and she is really grumpy." he said.

Just then Gibbs walked in. "Go home guys, get some rest! Tony, go tell the director that I'm ready when she is."

"Yes, boss!" replied Tony.

"I'll go down and get Abbs," shouted McGee, already halfway down the stairs.


McGee's POV

I couldn't wait 'til tomorrow. Tony and I had a huge surprise planned for Abby and Ziva, and they had already asked Gibbs's permission.

The kids, Kate and Kelly, were at Gibbs's dads place for the last two days and were coming back tomorrow with Jackson for the surprise. As the elevator reached Abby's lab I stepped out .

__________*Abby's Lab*___________

I walked in the door and laughed, as I saw Abby lying on the floor asleep using Bert as a pillow, so I picked her up gently and carried her to my car


Just to make things clear, judgement day never happened,Tony brought Ziva back from Israel, and Ellie has not happened nor has Vance.

I hope you enjoy my fanfic cause I LOVE NCIS and this is my first fanfic so comment, heart and follow me❤


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