Bloqueo ( Block )

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Saesang are disgusting and unhealthy 😊


3rd person P.O.V

Yoongi was frustrated, it been 3 days since taehyung is gone from his sight

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Yoongi was frustrated, it been 3 days since taehyung is gone from his sight. No reply to his text message or no tweets for 3 days straight and yoongi that kim fucking taehyung, can't stay a day without tweeting about how adorable he is. Yes, kim taehyung his boyfriend since high school have been gone missing for 3 days straight and he ain't having it.

Taehyung was there, just there but he didn't know where. He know he is somewhere, but he didn't know where.

"Well well isn't it our little taehyungie." he heard a voice, a voice near the door when he see Hoseok standing there with a smirk on his face.

"What do you want Hoseok ?" Taehyung growl.

"well well you know how much I love yoongi right ?"

Taehyung didn't say anything, he prepare to listen what Hoseok is going to say.

"Block him."

"What ?"

"Block him out of your life, social media and go away far from him."

"And if I don't ?"

"I love him so much so if I can't have him, no one can."

Taehyung glup.

"I have my hitmen waiting outside him door so what do you say, he die or you block him."

"Fine give me my phone."

Hoseok with a smirk hands Taehyung the phone and taehyung open his phone and with a frown he went to Yoongi account and press that button.

You have block this user.
This user have block you.

Was what Yoongi get after staying up all night, waiting for Taehyung to come home. yeah, it's fair. It's fair for him to get this. He cuddle himself, crying himself to sleep.

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