First Day (Oh boy)

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Where do I begin? My day started with me falling out of my bed, eating a nasty waffle and driving to school, and now I'm frozen in the parking lot, not really wanting to enter the building. It was not just the first day of school, or the first day at a new school (though it was both of these things), it was my first day of senior year. Woo hoo! One more year until I'm hit with the crippling responsibility of college. I navigated the halls to find the locker I had been assigned at orientation. Next to me was some tall kid with long hair, who didn't seem interested in being here at all. I can't blame him.

"Hi, I'm Y/N..." I started to say but he walked away. Just as well, the less friends I have now, the easier it will be to go to college.

My first couple of classes weren't bad. Locker boy was in my English class (I now know his name is Connor Murphy) and I don't think he was mentally present the entire class period. Which, again, I can't blame him. AP calculus was awful, the teacher was rude and probably hungover, the class can't shut up to save their lives, and I am stuck next to the air conditioner so I am constantly cold. But I just need to focus on getting to 3rd period.

"Hey Connor, loving the new hair length. Very school shooter chic!" I hear a voice from behind me. I turn around and see Connor from English, and 2 guys I've never seen. I approach them.

"Hey, leave him alone. He didn't do anything to you" I said to the guy in glasses.

"Wow, someone standing up for him. Shocking" he chuckled

"And why is that?"

"You must be new, I'm Jared and that's a freak" he pointed at Connor.

"Listen, I don't know him or anything, but I seriously don't see anything freakish about him" I sighed "Let him be,"

Jared mumbled "Whatever it was harmless anyway..." The two boys walked away, the other one, who hadn't said anything mouthed "sorry" as he went to his class.

Connor turned to me "Why did you do that?"

"Bullies suck"

"Ok, but you don't know me. I'm exactly what they said. A freak." He sighed and started to walk, I followed him.

"Why is that? Are you like a 'circus freak'? Oh do you do, like, acrobatics? I could see you-"

"No way," he slightly chuckled, "I... I have certain reputation, based on certain... incidents"

"Oh well... I can be your fresh start," I laughed "That was a weird thing to say... any way I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N"

"Eh I've heard weirder. It's nice to meet you Y/N"

We started to walk together, a threatening silence consumed us "What's your third?" I asked trying to make this less uncomfortable.

"Art, you?"

"Choir" I smiled "Hey uh... which lunch wave do you have?"

"Second. Though I don't usually stay in the cafeteria..."

"I have second too, maybe we can try and sit together?"

"Sure... why not?" He chuckled. I smiled and we went into our classrooms.

After about 20 minutes it was time for lunch and I was starving. Not to mention a little excited. I think I may actually be making a friend. I saw him walk in and grab his lunch, so I waved him over to my table in the corner of the room.

"Hey there" I smiled

"Hi" he seemed rather unenthused.

"I'm sorry... am I annoying you?" I whispered. I started to chew on the sleeve of my dull indigo hoodie."I'm probably keeping you from your real friends" gosh I'm so stupid to think  I could be friends with the first person I see

"I...I don't really have any friends"

"Oh... well" I took a deep breath "I can be your friend"

"Good luck. I'm not the easiest to deal with" he laughed a little.

"Well neither am I" I smiled "I can be a real pain in the butt" That got a slight smile out of him.

"Well then I think we'll get along just fine"

My Perfect Weirdo(Reader x Connor Murphy)Where stories live. Discover now