Sleepover "fun"

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After Connor left I realized I had a text from Jared.

Hey loser, want to
hang out with me
and Evan?

Why not, where?

My house, afterschool
on friday

He then proceeded to send a meme that had zero relevance to this conversation. Which was pretty typical of Jared.


"You ready to party Y/N!" Jared came up from behind me as I waited outside.

"I wouldn't call this sleepover a party, but ok, whatever" I laughed and punched him in the shoulder.

"Geez, you don't have to be rude," he mocked offence.

"H-hey guys..." Evan stumbled through his words as he joined the group

"Tree child!" I yelled and ruffled his hair, to which he responded with an awkward laugh.

"Wait no I have a better one!" I laughed, "My acorn son!" Jared started to laugh hysterically and Evan chuckled and became red in the face.

"A-acorn son? O-ok theatre mom," he laughed a little, and Jared continued to wheeze as we made our way down the street to Jared's place.

For about 3 hours we sat in Jared's room watching vine compilations on his TV. Jared would usually scream the words, and sometimes I would. This would usually get some laughter out of Evan.

"Road work ahead? Yeah, I sure hope it does!" We screamed.

"Quiet down!" Jared's mom yelled


"Do you want dinner?" Jared sighed "That's what I thought. I'm going to pick up some pizza, be back soon!"

"We should play a bored game or something" I suggested turning down the TV.

"Ok sure, I've got Uno attack, Sorry, a deck of cards, The game if Life, and Monopoly," he gestured at his closet

"Nice, we're playing bull with the cards," I chuckled and retrieved the cards, shuffling and dealing them to my friends.

"Get ready to go down Hansen and L/N!" Jared picked up his deck to examine it. "Nice"

"O...ok..." Evan put down his cards "T...two aces..."

"BULL!" Jared screamed as he flipped over the cards. He was wrong, but he took them with pride. Every round that wasn't his turn Jared would call bull, so by the time we had finished a box and a half of pizza (we're hungry teenagers, don't judge), he had all but two cards in his hand.

"One nine," I smiled looking Jared in the eyes.

"Bull" he mouthed and flipped it over. Sure enough, I had placed one nine.

"Good game," he smiled politely and made it rain cards all around me. I accepted this without hesitation.

"Thank you! Thank you! Oh thank you!" Evan was laughing pretty hard and that's when I noticed he was recording, "You better send that to me!" I winked and he went red but continued to laugh.

After that... incident we laid on the ground just talking about random things, until I heard my phone go off. I had a message from Connor.

The Con-Con man:
Hey my family's
fighting again, can
I come over?

Sorry, I'm at
Jared's, you can
come here though

The Con-Con man:
No. Never. Sorry.
I'll text you later.

Suit yourself

I sighed and put my phone down for a couple of minutes when I saw another message from him.

The Con-Con man:
I CAN'T! What's his
F****** address.

I wheezed with laughter and sent it to him.

What's with the censorship?

After about 10 minutes of waiting he walked through the door, we greeted him and led him to Jared's room.

"Welcome friend!"

"I'm not your friend" Connor growled at Jared.

"You are now, friend." He bounced his eyebrows and put his arm around Connors neck.

"No," I secretly took a picture and giggled.

"What the fuck did you do Y/N?" He whined.

"Oh nothing..." he grabbed my phone.

"Thanks for invading my privacy!" He yelled.

"Sorry... I'll... I'll delete it..." I sighed and deleted the beautiful image off my phone, when I remembered the video from earlier.

"Hey Con-Con man, can I show ya something?" I used my most innocent voice.

He sighed, "Why not?" I started to play the video with sound blaring, and he started laughing, he kept laughing harder and harder until he snorted causing the whole room to go silent. Until we all burst into laughter once again.

"I'm DECEASED," I wheezed, rolling around on the floor. There were tears in ours eyes from our laughter. We were probably shaking the house, and this is when I realized this is the first time I've hung out with friends since what happened last year...

"Hey Y/N! I heard about what happened, I'm so sorry. We decided not to hang out tonight, for your sake," Laci gently rubbed my shoulder and continued her walk to class. All day it had been "I'm sorry Y/N," "It gets easier," "She's in a better place now." It doesn't hurt any less. I called my dad and begged him to check me out, he did.

I ran to my room and locked the door. I laid on my bed and began to cry myself to sleep.

I woke up at 3 in the morning, and with nothing else to do, I checked my phone. I got on Instagram and saw my friends, Laci, Emma, Abby, and Jay, hanging out tonight like they promised not to.

"The gang's all here!" The caption reads, no they're not all there. That's when it began...

"Y/N? Y/N! You ok?" Connor shook my shoulder and snapped me out of it.

"Yeah sorry... I just remembered something. I'm fine though."

"You were like screaming with laughter and then suddenly you went dead silent and started to cry it was weird." Jared laughed a little. I wiped my eyes.

"You scared me (nickname)" Connor smiled slightly and gave me a half hug.

"S...scared me t...too" Evan said. He clearly was panicking while I was out of it. I smiled.

"Sorry guys... didn't mean to freak you out, but I promise I'm good now" That's all it took for things to go back to normal, for us to start playing uno and for Connor and Evan to take turns crushing us at Uno.

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