"Chaos" Party

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"Wait you guys are the leads? That's so awesome I'm so proud of you guys! I knew you could do it!" Evan's face lit up when he heard our news. Y/N laughed and ruffled his hair.

"Thanks Evan." I smiled and chuckled a little.

"So are we all available for my chaos party?" Jared chimed in, like usual.

"Yep! I'm actually looking forward to it," Y/N looked down a little. After the rumors started this week she hasn't really been herself. It's really gotten to her, and I wish I could help, but there isn't much I can do.

"Yeah I guess you've earned a break." Jared actually seemed sympathetic. Wow. She just nodded in response. "Well I'll see you all in an hour!" He started walking to his class and Evan followed behind. We walked to drama, and talked a little about the musical.

Class came and went, and the day was finally over. It was also the beginning of fall break, thankfully. We met up outside the front doors and waited for our friends.

"Oh shoot! I have to call my work and tell them I can't come in today! I'll be right back!" She ran off before I could even say anything. I honestly didn't know she had a job.

"Ok I'm back!" She hugged me from behind "My boss was fine with me taking off today, he's pretty cool about that kind of stuff."

"Alright. Can I ask where you work?"

"Strip club!" Jared came from out of nowhere and interrupted, unsurprisingly.

"No! Why would you say that you creep!" She punched his arm. "I work at a restaurant!"

"Sure, ok." He laughed and shook his head. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Y/N's hand.

"Like I always say 'never listen to Kleinman'" We both laughed, but Jared wasn't as impressed. That's when Evan joined our group and we began the walk to Jared's house.

"I'm thinking we should watch a movie, I have one picked out actually. It's a classic tale of not judging one by outward appearances, fantasy lands, love, betrayal-"

"Jared we are not watching Shrek! I don't care how you say it!" I cut him off. Y/n laughed so hard she snorted, which caused the whole group to laugh like maniacs.

"Fine! What about another story about complicated love, the legal system-"

"Definitely not watching Bee Movie either!"


"What about Frozen? Oh or Tangled!" Y/n got really excited.

"There's no way you're forcing me to watch a Disney movie." Jared scoffed.

"I... I think it... it would be fun..." Evan mumbled.

"Fine, since the two little puppy dogs here wanna watch a Disney movie so badly I guess we will." He sighed trying to sound mad, but I swear I saw a glimmer of joy behind his eyes.


"I can't believe you convinced me to have a Disney princess marathon."

"Well in our defense Jared when we said 'What about a Disney princess marathon?' you said 'Oh fine if you insist'" Y/n laughed.


"Now what's next Tangled or Frozen?" I held up both DVD cases.

"Tangled! It's my favorite! Please!" Y/n's (eye/color) eyes became big like a puppy's. I couldn't resist it, and why would I? It's just a movie choice after all.

"Then Tangled it is!" She squealed with excitement then covered her face.

"Did I just?"

"Yep" the rest off us replied in unison.

"Oh dear gosh..." she hung her head and picked up her phone. She started scrolling through something and her face went pale. She put her phone down and went deathly silent.

"So why do you like Tangled so much Y/n?" Jared laughed

"Rapunzel is nice I guess..." her voice was quiet and rigid, and her paleness still prevalent.

"Hey what's wrong-"

"I'm fine, Connor." She didn't speak again all night, except for short simple sentences like 'yes' and 'no'. It hurt me to see her so distraught, but I had no idea what to do. Why would she want advice from the kid who usually turns to weed when the pain gets to bad. At least I did.

After several hours of Disney movie watching, ice cream eating, and uncomfortable silence we were all passed out on Jared's floor. I woke up at about 3 in the morning, and I was dying of thirst so I made my way down to the kitchen, I stopped in the living room.

"Y/n? What are you doing?"

"Sleep...sleeping." She whimpered, that's when I noticed Tangled playing on the TV.

"What's wrong?" I sat next to her on the couch and hugged her.

"Apparently, according to our peers, my dad passed down his 'serial killer' gene to me and my little sister. Attacking me is one thing... but my sister. She's thirteen Connor! She's barely a teenager! I just... why would they do this?"

"I'm so, so sorry. What they're doing is cruel and I wish I could make them stop." She buried her face in my chest.

"I just wish I could dissapear."

"You can't say that! You are beautiful and amazing. You're kind, creative, and talented. I'm lucky to know the best person on the planet."

"Whatever." She chuckled a little and wiped her eyes. She looked over at the screen "My favorite part!" The lantern scene was beginning and she watched with the awe of a child. "I've always wanted to recreate this scene with someone. It's a dream of mine."

"Maybe we could do that one day." Her eyes sparkled like jewels, I couldn't help but smile. She kissed my cheek and giggled. We stayed there cuddled up on the couch, until we both fell asleep to the sound of Flynn and Rapunzel's duet.

Author's Note:
Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It's not my favorite, but oh well. I'm sorry I took so long to update, but I just wasn't sure how to write this chapter. I hope you have a great day and I hope to update soon!

Sincerely, me

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