The Petition

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                       Connor's POV

"Good morning love birds!" Jared loomed over us, banging pots and pans, "We get it you're cute blah blah blah!" I realized then how we had fallen asleep. She was curled up with her head on my chest, and my arms holding her close.

Y/N sighed "Fine..." she got up and stretched. She walked into the bathroom presumably to get freshened up. I got up too and joined the guys in the kitchen.

"Connor please don't tell me you fu-"

"No Jared. I woke up and found her crying in the livingroom so I comforted her. Nothing else you pervert."

"Y-yeah leave them alone Jared... we... we all know you're just jealous." He laughed a little. I high fived Evan.


"No- I... no!" Jared slumped into his chair.

"Sorry Jared..." Evan mumbled

"Whatever Hansen."

"I leave for two minutes and you guys start fighting?" Y/n strides into the room. "You guys would fall apart without me!" We all laugh.

"We should go on an adventure or something today. I mean we're on fall break now so..."

"I can't! I have to go to work." Y/N sighed. "Man..."

"Oh sorry... quick question. Where do you work?" I asked. I was genuinely curious.

"I... uh... oh fine! I work at my dad's little restaurant." She sighed. We stared in astonishment.

"Really? I couldn't imagine you waiting on people."

"I don't. I cook." She rubbed the bridge of her nose and sighed "Some of the recipies are actually mine."

"I didn't know you could cook!" Jared stood up "You should bring me your finest cuisine!"

"Nope. If you want my food that badly you can just go to Dancing Flower. That's my dad's place. Well he says it's our family's place." She smiled slightly.

"You work there? I love that place, the spaghetti sandwich is amazing!" I could taste it in my mouth as I said that; from the amazing pasta to the cheese to the garlic bread peices it rests upon, its truly a culinary blessing.

"That's one of my recipes actually." She laughed "I'm glad someone likes it."

"No way!" I laughed "That's
awesome!" She giggled and hid her face a little.

"Well it took a lot of convincing to get it on the menu. My dad wasn't sure it fit the feel of the restaurant." She sighed and looked at her phone "My dad's here, he has to take me to work. Bye, guys!" She kissed my cheek and pranced out the door.

"Guys... she's-"

"Connor I swear if you start gushing about Y/N I will throw up on you," Jared huffed.


                       Y/N's POV
"So how are things with you and that Connor kid?" My dad laughed a little as he asked.

"Well. It's going really well." I smiled brightly and looked down at my phone to text Connor when I saw I was tagged in a post on Instagram.

"Petition to get this psychopath out of our school." Those words in bright red letters were plastered over one of my favorite pictures of myself. I checked the petition link in the description. Over sixty names already. I could put a face with most of these names. Over sixty people want me gone. Over sixty people would rather have me not be around them on a daily basis. Over sixty people-

"Y/N? Hey, we're here." He shook my shoulder a little bit bringing me out of my thoughts for a second. I walked into the restaurant, but I couldn't forget about it all day. I kept checking it: 65, 68, 73, 76...

"Y/N! What's up with you? Do you need to go home? I can have Molly take your shift." My dad looked at me with concern. I just silently nodded.

The walk home felt wrong. Like I was in slow motion but everything around me was in fast forward. I laid on my bed for three hours, it wasn't until my friends started to blow up my phone that I realized I wasn't actually asleep.

Kleinman: Hey, Y/N.
You ok? I'm worried
abou you I guess

TreeBoiTM: Y/N? Hey
No matter what we
love you. Don't
forget that ok?

Con-Con man❤: Hey
if you need something
call me, text me, anything.
I just want to make sure
you're alright.

Those are just the most recent ones. I had 58 others, and 38 missed calls. I couldn't bring myself to respond. I just laid on my bed and danced in and out of the void

                   Connor's POV
We never left Jared's house because for a long time, we were having fun. That was until...

"Oh my god..." Jared's voice was uncharacteristically somber "There are kids trying to petition Y/N out of school... they're saying she's a serial killer."

"What? Give me that!" I snatched his phone and looked at the Instagram post. I clicked on the link in the bottom of the post. The amount of kids that had signed this fucking disgusting petition appalled me. I felt rage boil inside me. Jared yanked his phone back.

"C-connor take a deep breath, ok? We'll help her get through this." Evan tried to touch my shoulder, but my look scared him away.

"How could they do that to her? Do they have any idea as to what she's been through?" I yelled and punched a wall as hard as I could. Luckily nothing happened. We decided then that we should try to contact her.

We texted her. Nothing.

We called her. Nothing.

I had enough. I knew she was in a hard place. She needed help, and damn it, I love her. I can't watch her suffer. I ran outside, prepared to check to see who signed the petition, but I stopped. Y/N wouldn't want me to hurt someone else. She'd want someone to stand by her side. That's what she needs.

So I ran. I ran all the way to her house. 

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry it took so long for me to update. I really wanted this to be good and I hadn't exactly been in a good head space to work on it. I'm back now though and I'm already working on some other chapters. Thanks for bearing with me!
     -Sincerely, Me

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