Baby Mine

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   A/N: This chapter contains references to self harm, reader discretion is advised. The section will be marked with "*."

                 Connor's POV
I ran and I ran and I ran. I kept trying to call her; I even prayed to whatever god could hear me for her. I hadn't done that in a long time. Then I saw her house in the distance and knocked on the door.

"Please. Y/N? I need to see Y/N!" I tried to catch my breath. Until now, I hadn't even realized I was out of breath.

"Oh it's you." Y/N's little sister greeted me. She wanted to mock me but she couldn't, "It... it's good you're here. She could use some support from you." She held the door open and I sped to Y/N's room.

"Hey... it's me. It's Connor. Please let me in."

"In." She whimpered. I crept in and saw her; she was like a corpse. Her body was perfectly still, she was silent,  I was almost afraid to touch her.

"Are you...ok?" She weakly turned around to stare at me "Obviously you're not. That was stupid. I'm sorry." I tried to laugh, but her face never wavered. I sat down on the edge of her bed.

"You don't need to be here. I'll be fine." I was terrified of the emptiness in her tone. "I just need some time to get over it."

"Y/N... what they're doing to you is not ok. I don't expect you to just be fine." I go to grab her hand, but she yanks it away. I sigh and stare in sympathy. After several aching minutes she grabs my hand, but it's limp.

"Why do they hate me?" Her voice started to tremble "I did nothing to them, and yet... and yet..." she broke down into tears. I held her in my arms and just rocked her gently back and forth.

"Baby mine don't you cry, baby mine dry your eyes, hold your head close to my heart, never to part, baby of mine." She sobbed into my shoulder.

"What... what was that?"

"My mom... she always used to sing that to us. It's from Dumbo. I always loved that movie. I even dressed up as him one year for Halloween. Bradi was the mouse, Timothy." She laughed ever so slightly; I couldn't help myself from smiling.

"That sounds adorable." She shook her head. Then, once again, there was silence.

*After a while, she spoke up again, her voice shakey, "Connor, I... I need to show you something." She rolled up the sleeves of her hoodie to reveal two arms full of scars she tried to stop herself from crying "I'm sorry. I haven't done this in a long time but I-"

"Shhh, it's ok. It's ok." I looked her in the eyes and held her hands "I've been there. I have scars of my own." I slowly revealed an arm and she just held my hand. It was starting to feel warmer. "It doesn't matter what we've done, it matters what we do. We need to promise, I want to promise that I will never hurt myself again." In all honesty I wasn't sure I could make that promise, but I had to try. I had to give her hope.*

"Ok. I promise too." We pinky promised and we both laughed slightly.

"You need anything?"

"A nap sounds good." She ruffled my hair "I'll text you when I wake up, ok?" I nodded and kissed her forehead before heading downstairs.

"Hey. Connor!" Bradi grabbed my sleeve before I could go outside. "So, um, I wanted to exchange phone numbers in case, um, something happens if that's ok." I nodded and put my phone number in her phone.

"You're pretty smart, kid."

"Thanks... and before you go... thank you for... for being there for her. Tell her other friends I said that too. Or don't. I don't care that much."

"Ok, sure. Bye kid."

"Bye, loser!" I smiled as I walked out of the house. I felt bad leaving her like that, but she probably could use a nap so I shouldn't dwell on it too much. I decided then that since it is fall break after all, I should plan something fun for us to do. Maybe a date for us, and something all of us could do.

I walked in and Zoe was on the couch, it appeared no one else was home.

"Sup dork face," She laughed.

"Dork face? That's what you're calling me today?"

"Listen I didn't say it was the Mona Lisa of sibling nicknames did I?" She sat up and looked at me "Hey, is something wrong? You look upset." I didn't realize people could tell.

"Yeah, um, people at school started this petition-"

"Oh my go- the petition! I'm so stupid! Is she ok?"

"She's taking it pretty hard, but I was able to help her smile, which is a good sign." I smiled sadly, thinking back to our conversation.

"Oh, well if she ever needs a women's perspective she can always call me."

I laughed "Ok, sure." I sat down next to her and started paying attention to what she was watching "Is that... Victorious?"

"Yes." She face palmed "I... I was feeling nostalgic ok?"

"Sure, whatever. So what are we doing for dinner tonight?"

"Mom and Dad are at a work party so it's just us I guess."

"You want Taco Bell?"

"Do I?" She cheered "Heck yeah!"


"Thanks dork face!"

"No problem idiot." We laughed and she high fived me. And to think, just a few months ago we couldn't stand each other.

A/N: So this one is pretty lackluster, but I didn't want to do too much at one time so I revealed some things and ended it with chill sibling bonding. I don't know, hope you liked it! If you did, voting is much appreciated.
  -Sincerely, Me

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