Not Homecoming PT.2

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                  CONNOR'S POV

"Connor, oh my gosh! This ice cream is devine!" She laughed causing herself to hit her nose with her ice cream cone.

"Isn't it? Also can I just-" I cut myself off by using a napkin to wipe the ice cream off her face. She giggled a little and blushed, causing me to smile.

"Why are you smiling Connor?"

"Because you're adorable..." I absentmindedly whispered. Big mistake.

"Wh-what?" She was blushing harder now and seemed really uncomfortable.

"Um... uh you're so sweet and funny... and it uh... makes me happy" I struggled spitting out that excuse.

"Oh... uh... thanks" she smiled and calmed down. Nice save? Well at least I have one more place to show her before the night ends. Hopefully I won't screw that up, but I almost certainly will.

"Hey, there's one more thing I have to show you" I smiled and extended my hand.

"Yay!" She laughed and grabbed my hand. I pulled her to the car and drove to the Apple Orchard I went to as a kid. We cut through the dying trees into the area where it connects to the park and I see my hill. I bring her to it and lay down on the warm grass. She does the same.

"Wow," she whispered, "it's beautiful" her eyes sparkled with awe as she admired the scenery. I noticed her sit up urgently and point at something. "Look at the sunset!"

It was gorgeous, but honestly not as gorgeous as her. Gazing at the stars starting to breakthrough the darkening sky, she had this look of pure determination. Like she was trying to count every star, until it was nothing but a dark sky with limitless lights.

"Are you trying to count them, I tried to once. Didn't work out very well,"  She laughed at my stupid remark and rolled down to the bottom of the hill. I decided to follow after her. I quickly realized that if I didn't stop myself, I'd end up rolling on top of her so I got my hands braced to stop myself. That's how I ended up hovering above her body with my hands on either side of her. Great save. I tried to think of something witty or clever to say, but we just stared at each other. Then Y/N pulled the biggest surprise I've ever seen. She grabbed my face and kissed me.

                       Y/N's POV

I was kissing Connor Murphy. I was kissing Connor Murphy. My best friend, Connor Murphy. What was I thinking? Why was he kissing back? I eventually pulled away. He rolled over next to me. We were silent for a while.

I thought about the nights events. How everything had led to me being a complete idiot and ruining my friendship. I really do suck at friends.

"Hey uh... you ok?" He looked over at me.

"Yeah. I... sorry if I freaked you out or whatever I just... something came over me and-" Connor cut my sentence short by kissing me back, sending a wave of shock over my body.

"Do you still think I'm freaked out?" He smirked.

"Guess not..." I awkwardly laughed and checked my phone. 11:50, yikes.
"Connor, I need to get home,"

"Oh shit right! Sorry!" He led me back to his car and drove me home.

After a mostly silent drive we arrived at my house. "Thank you for everything Murphy." I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers. "I had an amazing time" I let go after a little bit and hopped out of the car. Walking into my house and settling down for the night.

After getting in bed I realized I had a text from Connor.

The Con-Con man:
Hey, Y/N. I just wanted
to say I had an amazing
time tonight. You really
made homecoming
special. Thank you
for spending it with me


Hey! No problem I
had a great time too.
And I was wondering
(Man I really don't
want to text this) if you'd
want to go out on a real
date sometime? ❤❤❤

What did I just do? What did I just do?

I heard my phone go off. I looked at the message expecting the worst to happen.

It didn't. He said yes. He actually wants to go out sometime! I smiled brightly and laid on my bed, thinking about how one small action changed everything.

Connor's POV

"Dude, she asked you out!" Zoe laughed holding my phone.

"What? No she-" oh my gosh. She really did that. I snatched my phone back. "What do I say?"

"The truth, stupid! Don't be one of those guys who tries to drop hints about what he wants, she'd hate that!"

"Geez, alright," I grumbled and typed out my message.

I'd love that actually.
Whenever you want to
just tell me. (You can't
see me, but I'm smiling
like and idiot)

I hit send and sat my phone down looking at my sister in disbelief.


"It worked. You're dumb plan worked."


"Fine...thank you for the advice," I sighed and gently pushed my sister's shoulder.

"No problem" she laughed a little pushed me back. Silence lingered for awhile until I heard her sigh.

"Why can't we always get along like this. Like siblings, like real siblings?"

"I don't know," I looked down and sighed, "but I'll try my best to be a better brother." I gave her a pathetic smile. She surprised me with a tight hug, then wished me a good night and went to her room. For once I slept peacefully.

My Perfect Weirdo(Reader x Connor Murphy)Where stories live. Discover now