Bonding or whatever

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Her smile just... I couldn't even begin to describe it. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. No, no fuck no! I'm not doing this. I'm not going to do that cliche "developing feelings for your best friend" thing. Nope. Just make it through class, then we can just chill as friends. No big deal.

After several boring presentations the bell rang and it was finally time to walk to Y/N's "Bravo on your performance" I laughed as me and Y/N walked home.

"You aren't so bad yourself!" She smiled "Maybe you could audition for the school musical with me?" She gave me a big cheesy grin.

"Absolutely not!" I chuckled, "So what, even if I can act, who said I could sing or dance?" There was no way she was going to get me to do that.

"They teach you the dances, and you could sing for me, you know just so I know what you sound like," she giggled a little. It was kind of adorable but I'm going to push past it.

I sighed "No," she gave me piercing puppy dog eyes "...fine. Not out here though, let's wait 'till we get to your house. You said no one would be home right?"


"Alright, when we arrive, I will sing for you I guess.."

"Yay! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She hugged me and smiled, I couldn't help but smile back.

After a long walk we made it to her house, it wasn't huge, but wasn't small. I liked it a lot, actually. She led me to her room and we sat in the floor.

"So I believe I was promised a private concert?" She giggled

"Yeah yeah ok..." I cleared my throat and took a deep breath, "A dream is a wish your heart makes, when you're fast asleep, in dreams you will lose your heartache, whatever you wish for you keep..." I went through the whole song, singing it in a comfortable vocal range, "No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true."

Her jaw was dropped "Woah! You... wow, you can sing!" She laughed "Connor Murphy just sang a Disney song for me, I feel... blessed,"

"Zoe had a Cinderella phase, she never stopped playing the stupid movie, so I learned it and it never left my brain," I laughed

"You really need to do the musical though, you would be great!" She smiled and lightly punched my shoulder "Come on please?"

"Ok, fine! You win!" What am I doing? I can't audition! That's... that's crazy! I don't know what I was thinking-

"Hey, you ok?" She gently touched my arm

"Yep, I'm great" I smiled

"You're lying, but ok. I won't bug you about it." She chuckled a little "Anyway, this is totally random, but when's your birthday?"

"April 20th," I tried to hide my smirk

"Aweso- wait. Is that a 420 joke?" She was clearly trying not to laugh

"Yeah it is..." I laughed rather loudly

"Wow," she shook her head, "but for real?"

"October 19th" I sighed

"February 11th," she smiled

"Nice, so that way I can get you a late birthday present and say its also your Valentine's day present"

"Wow, thank you so much!" Sarcasm oozed through her voice.

I smiled "You're welcome," she laughed a little.

"So... uh you have any plans on September 21st?" She asked, which was oddly specific, but whatever.

"No, why?"

"Well that's the night of homecoming..."

"Y-you're asking me to homecoming?" I went bright red.

"No actually," congratulations Connor, you're an idiot, "I'm asking you to avoid it with me. We can go wherever we want and avoid most of our peers!" She laughed "Come on, what do you say?" Definitely wasn't expecting that, but that honestly sounds way more fun anyway.

"Ok, we shall avoid homecoming together, and have a great time doing it!" I cheered.

"You'll have a great time doing it, huh?" An unfamiliar voice taunted from behind.

"Bradi!" Y/N shouted "What are you doing here!"

"Chess club was canceled, so I walked here, to my house" she rolled her eyes.

"Sorry Connor, I haven't introduced you. This is Bradi, she's my little sister who also happens to be an annoying prick,"  She smiled spitefully

"So 'Connor' is your boyfriend?"

"No, no, no! My friend. And earlier we were talking about avoiding the homecoming dance, not anything else! Got it?"

"Yeah ok, whatever losers" the young girl walked out of the room.

"How old is she?"



"Right!" She laughed "Oh well, she's my sister and I guess I have to love her."

"Yeah I guess so..." silence followed for a little bit, until Y/N sighed.

"I'm sorry..." she mumbled.

"S-sorry? For what?" She caught me off guard with her sudden desolate tone.

"For... for forcing you to do things you don't want to. I'm such a manipulative jerk..." she held her face in her hands

"Hold on now, you're what?" I raised my voice.

"Manipulative! I made you sing for me, made you agree to do the musical, and now I'm making you skip the stupid dance with me, after you said no to each and every one!" Her voice quivered as she yelled.

"I sang because I felt like I could trust you, agreed to do the musical because I need a freaking hobby, and I'm going with you because I love being with you and I didn't object to it!"

"Wait... you actually like hanging out with me?" Her face peeked out from behind her palms.

"Yes! Of course I do! You... you're amazing and you actually made my life tolerable," I smiled a little and she chuckled.

"Well... I'm glad," she finally unveiled her face "and I'm sorry I just had a mental breakdown,"

"You're ok, I promise" I smiled at her which got a bright smile back. I couldn't help but admire it, wishing I could come back to this particular point in time whenever I wanted, but I couldn't. Time keeps moving on, whether I want it to or not. On the subject of time, I remembered I had to get home.

"Hey uh, Y/N I have to go, I'll see ya tomorrow," she reached over and hugged me, to which I responded with an awkward hug back.

"Ok, see ya later," she waved. And with that I was off.

A/N: Hi there, so I've had this headcanon that Connor can sing and I thought that would be fun to include. So yeah
Me (original I know) 

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