Pre-Fall break

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It's been a few weeks since we started dating. Its been...amazing honestly. He's incredibly sweet and I couldn't have asked for a better guy. We've had two dates, one to a drive in theater, and one where we went out to eat and then stared at some ducks, and laughing about how they reminded us of our friends.

Now it's the week before fall break, and let's just say it's not going to be easy.


"Oh come on! You know you two won't be leads!"

"Thanks for the kind words, Kleinman," I laughed as me, Connor, and Jared walked out of the building. Evan would usually join us, but he was sick today.

"Well, that's why we practice," Connor laughed and grabbed my hand, our fingers intertwining.

"Right, you're going to 'practice'" He laughed and used air quotes.

"What do you mean?"

"All I'm going to say is use protection!"

"Dude, what the hell?" Connor looked at Jared, anger burning inside him probably.

"Relax, it's just a joke!" He laughed and waved "Well this is my stop!"

"We know"

"Bye, bye love birds!"

I rolled my eyes "That kid, I swear"

"Don't let him get to you, that's just how he is" Connor sighed and kissed the top of my head.

"I know, I know." I smiled a little and dragged him to my house and up to my room, where we started practicing our audition material.

"So I asked our drama teacher how the auditions work here and apparently we're in groups, and we sing My Country Tis of Thee, read a few different character's parts and dance. We can really only practice the singing though" I laughed a little.

"Ok, well let's get to work!" So we did, we practiced and practiced and practiced, hoping to perfect the song. And, not to be cocky or anything, but we sounded really good. I was impressed. After that we worked on homework, watched some crappy conspiracy videos on YouTube, then Connor went home and called it a day.


I woke up late and rushed to school, forgetting to eat breakfast. I was kind of hungry but I tried to ignore. I navigated through the halls, trying to get to my classes when someone stepped out right in front of me. He turned around and looked at me like he was confused.

"E-excuse me? Is... is everything alright?"

"Yeah yeah... I was just wondering what is was like."

"What what is like?"

"Being forced to live with your dad, after he, you know, killed your mom"

How did he know about that? I haven't even told Connor the whole story yet.

"He... I... leave me alone" I tried to push past him, but he forced me in place.

"Yeah, he came in shot her three times in the head," he mimicked shooting a gun with his hand, "then left her there, for his children to find."

"He didn't..." I whimpered.

"He did and you know that" I started to tear up, I could see her body clear in my mind. It burned like it was a fresh wound.

"Scott! Leave her alone!" Connor stood in front of me.

"What, its harmless fun,"

"Fun? You think forcing her to relive trauma is fun? You're sick."

"I think she's sick. I mean, let's face it, why else would she date a guy like you?"

"Stop it!" I yelled "Please..." I hugged Connor. He stroked my hair and ushered me away.

"Shh, shh, it's alright," he held me close and walked me to class. I forced myself to stop crying so I didn't look like a mess, though I probably already did.

I went through the school day unable to get this morning's incident out of my head. I didn't even want to practice with Connor after school, but I know that I needed to, so I made myself go.



"Can I ask about what happened this morning?" Connor looked at me, his eyes filled with sympathy.

"I... he..." I took a deep breath, "Somehow, that guy found out about why I moved here." He looked at me with confusion, "About a year ago, my mom was murdered... she was home alone and some drug-addicted patient of hers had broke into our house. He... he shot her three times in the head" I started to cry a little, and Connor held my hand. "Everyone thought it was my dad... I lost friends because people thought that my dad was a killer. Even after his innocence was proven we were shunned in town by almost everyone. He lost his job, for crying out loud!" Connor pulled me into a tight hug, refusing to let me go.

"It's ok, it's ok. I've got you, shhh." He rocked back and forth a little. I held onto him.

"I could've stopped it,"

"No, it's not your fault"

"No it is," my voice became firm, and he looked at me with great concern. "That night my mom had told me that I had to stay home, even though I really wanted to go hang out with my friends. So we had a big argument, and I snuck out. If I had stayed behind I might've-"

"Gotten yourself killed. Y/n, I care about you so much, but you can't keep blaming yourself. You didn't do this, the addict did." I shook my head and buried my face into his neck. He held me for an hour. We didn't talk much he just held me.


I didn't go to school today, after what happened yesterdat, I couldn't convince myself to get up and go. I did manage to make it to the audition after school though. Connor and I did ok, I think. He was happy to see me after I dissapeared all day. He kept texting me, trying to make sure I was alright. That made me feel a little better. After the audition, I came home and passed out in my room.


I went to school to see the call back list and, surprise surprise, I'm not on it. Which means I'm probably not in our production of Newsies, and you know what that's fine. I can't dance anyway. Connor got one though, I'm proud of him.

On another note the rumors about what happened to me started spreading like a wildfire. I heard them everywhere I went. Its torture. What I hear now is worse than what I used to. People are adding ridiculous details that are to vulgar for me to share.


I'm sorry about the whole callback rage thing because...

"I'm playing Katherine?" I looked at Connor, joy and confusion plastered on my face.

"I'm... Jack. The Jack Kelly..." he looked at me and I hugged him.

"We did it!" I jumped up and down causing him to laugh.

"Why are you so excited?" Jared pointed at me laughing.

"We're the leads Klieman!" Connor smirked.

"Nice, nerds. We should do something to celebrate. Like meeting up at my place for chaos until the sun rises?"

"Sounds like a plan!"

A/N: So this chapter was written really weird. I don't like it that much. Lots of angst. Yeah. Sorry this wasn't great

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