Project Weeks

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I began to walk down the street to his house, following the directions of my phone's GPS. That's when I realized how hot it was in this hoodie in the middle of August, but I couldn't bring myself to take it off.

I got there surprisingly fast, so fast actually, that I thought I wasn't at the right place. I walked up to the door and knocked.

"H...hello? I'm Y/N, I'm here work on a project with Connor," I meekly announced.

"Hi, come on in!" A woman (probably his mom) greeted me, "It's nice to see that Connor has a visitor. I'm Cynthia Murphy, Connor's mom."

"Nice to meet you," I smiled. She led me into their livingroom, where Connor and his dad seemed to be having a fight of some kind, it twisted my heart but I pushed back my pain.

"Stop it for a moment! We have company!" She gestured towards me. Connor went very pale.

"I'm Larry, Zoe's room-"

"No, she's here for me," Connor mumbled, "follow me Y/N"

He led me to his room, where we sat in the floor. I got my binder out of my backpack and titled a peice of paper "Brainstorming".

"Ok, so I'm thinking we do a posterboard with-" he seemed upset, so I cut myself off, "hey, you ok?"

"I'm great. Fucking fantastic! The one time I start to kind of have a friend I freak her out by screaming at my dad as she walks in the door!"

"Connor, it's-"

"Who does that? Who fights there parents every fucking day? Then expects someone to actually like them!"

"Connor, I've faught with mine too-"

"Maybe you have like once or twice-"

"I FOUGHT MY MOM THE LAST TIME I SAW HER, THEN SHE DIED BECAUSE OF ME ALRIGHT!" I yelled standing up. I then slumped down onto the ground in tears. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't... I shouldn't have said that...I should go... I'm so stupid..." I shakily stood back up and started to walk together towards the door, but I felt him grab my hand and pull me into a hug.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you..." he whispered as he stroked my hair and I buried my face deep into his shoulder.

"No... I'm sorry I yelled that was... out of line to say the least..." he pulled away and looked me dead in the eyes.

"It's ok. You're going to be ok," he held my hands in his and stroked the tops with his thumbs, "You want to talk about it?" I took a shaky breath and shook my head "That's ok too," he wiped a tear from my eye, I chuckled a bit.

"Thank you..." I smiled a half-smile.

"Anytime," I realized then that he was no ordinary friend. He was more to me than that, but I had no time for that now. There was work to be done.

                2 WEEKS LATER

The next couple of weeks were normal. We worked on our project and had only a couple of hours until we had to present and perform. We sat together at lunch and eventually Evan Hansen and Jared Kleinman joined our table (Though I had to make Jared promise to not pick on Connor anymore). Everything was actually going really well for the first time since last year, when I lost my mom...

"Hello, earth to Y/N?" Jared poked my arm.

"Oh... uh sorry. What is it?" I snapped back into reality.

"I was trying to be polite and ask you if you were ready to perform your scene this afternoon,"

"Oh, yeah well, I guess so," I had been trying not to overthink it. I had performed this same scene before, just a different audience. I love acting,  but sometimes... being in front of a large group of people it... it scares me.

"Well you're going to do great," Connor smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Yeah, but you'll do better," I chuckled.

"Ok, ok, we get it you two, go makeout somewhere else," Jared laughed.

"No... uh... that's not..." I was bright red and hiding my face.

"We aren't... we're just... friends" He chuckled nervously.

"Oh! You're still in the denial of your feelings stage! Well, take your time, you crazy kids," Jared was cracking himself up.

Me and Connor avoided eye contact the rest of lunch, which was incredibly awkward and frustrating, but I couldn't make myself look him in the eyes. Luckily lunch ended swiftly and it was time to get through a couple of classes before our performance.

US history went by fast (thank goodness) and before I knew it, it was time for me and Connor to present our project.

We spoke about our play taking turns reading sections like, its summary, origins, original cast, and extra facts then it was time to begin our scene. I played the main character Kate and he played her best friend Jasper.

"Kate...what's wrong. I can tell that you're upset so don't deny it," he said as he put his hand on my shoulder and locked his eyes with mine

"Its nothing, really Jasper..." I tore my gaze away, "and besides how on earth would you know?"

"Kate, you're my best friend! I've known you for... ten years! I know when you're upset you put up a barrier between the world and yourself. You switch from sweet to irritable, then back again. This is the most extreme I've ever seen from you. Are you that worried about this whole killer on the loose thing?"

I started to make myself cry "No I am the killer Jas, don't you understand? I've been terrified that you'll get caught up in it and I'll ruin the life of the one I love...your life"

"You love me?" I nodded and kissed his cheek making him blush, "Well, then turn yourself in... maybe you can still turn your life around,"

I pretended to contemplate the idea before nodding "Then its decided..." we act like we're going to hug, but instead I pull my knife out of my back pocket and begin to "stab" him several times, weeping as I did so, "I'm so sorry..." I cradled his lifeless body in my arms bawling as the scene came to a close.

The class applauded and we bowed, my teacher was actually in tears. It was kind of awesome. I looked at Connor smiling brightly, thankful we had been able to pull this off.

My Perfect Weirdo(Reader x Connor Murphy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora