Chapter 1

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A/N: it's a short first chapter, but I hope you like it and look forward to this story!

No One's POV:

"The peasants are in an uproar again, Sir." A chubby, middle-aged man in a maroon robe stated softly, head bowed in respect. The older male that sat in his chair, stared off in no particular way, stroking his graying beard in thought. "What seems to be the problem with those rats this time?" The older spat, disgust clear in his voice.

His advisor gulped slightly. "Between this Summer's drought, and the illness spreading through the villages, there is no food, Sir. They are demanding supplies and aid for their troubles, since you control the trade routes in these areas as well as have a large surplus, Sir." The nobleman nodded his head along to the words that reached his ears, fingers twisting the gaudy rings that adorned them.

He let out a small hum. "Make sure my son is with his personal guard, then send the officers on standby to deliver a message--- either they drop the protests, or I burn the very place they call home, and slaughter them all. I have neither the time, nor the energy to care about such ungrateful rodents." The man sneered, waving a hand to dismiss his advisor to go complete his mission.

The heavy set man scurried down the steps of the main house towards a smaller, more secluded building. Slightly panting for air, the advisor bowed to the guards at the door, and thanked them when he was let in. After taking a couple of turns, the man found himself standing outside of the nobleman's son's room, his personal guard standing dutifully in his place.

"State your business, Wonshik." The young guard demanded, eyes assessing him like always. The older man chuckled slightly at the boy's sternness, and offered a small grin. "His grace is sending the reserves to go deal with the villagers, I was sent to make sure you stay with the young master for the evening."

"Understood, though his grace does realize it's my job to stay by young master's side, yes?" The guard questioned with a cocked eyebrow, as the request was a redundant one. "He just doesnt want to worry about his son getting into trouble. Young master often eluded his former guards for entertainment." Wonshik reminded him, it being no secret that a guard had never lasted very long when looking after the boy, eventually getting replaced.

The ravenette nodded his head in understanding. "Trust me, Young Master seldom eludes my watch, and I intend to keep that streak. If that will be all? I need to help Young Master finish preparing for bed, since he forbid the maids from coming within ten feet of him." The guard explained, receiving a sympathetic look in return.

"Of course, good luck with that. I will let his grace know about the changes to staffing, though I cant imagine he will be pleased. Any reason for the sudden outburst?" Wonshik inquired, not really surprised by the son's personality.

"The younger maids were far too eager to 'help', and the older ones just made him uncomfortable when dressing him. He has requested that he not receive anymore female staff, and for the time being he does not trust any men other than myself, so I'm merely adding to my job description." The guard received an encouraging pat on his shoulder before the advisor left, not wishing to dwell on the headache that resided in that room.

The ravenette let out a sigh after he heard the distant sounds of the front door closing. "He's gone now, Young Master." The guard said in a hushed tone, and soon the soft pitter patter of clothed feet shuffled against the hard wood floors, and the door slide open a little. The guard looked both ways to check if the coast was clear, before slipping into the room and shutting the door to lock it.

The second the latch was secured, two warm arms wrapped around his waist, a gentle weight pressed against his back. He smiled fondly at the action, letting his rough fingertips rub against the palms on his abdomen, letting out a low hum. "Jungkookie, why were you out there so long?" The whiny, yet deep voice of the boy behind the guard sounded out, causing Jungkook to chuckle at his childishness.

"Your father's advisor had stopped by, I couldn't raise suspicions, but I'm sorry I kept you waiting." The ravenette whispered, turning around to embrace the younger male back, nose buried in the mess of honey brown hair. "Its okay, at least no one will be coming by for the rest of the night." But the way the young master uttered those words, batting his eye lashes coyly, gave Jungkook the hint of an innuendo hidden in his words.

"Is there something you had in mind for this evening, love?" The guard asked, not even trying to hide the smirk claiming his features as the nobleman shyly nodded his head. "Perhaps finish what we started before you so rudely took post." And how the younger posed the question, left little room for discussion. Jungkook's cocky gaze turned extremely fond as he caressed his lover's cheek with the pad of his thumb.

"You know we can't do this how you want to, right? People will be talking if they see you limping, and if your father ever found out--- well let's pray it never happens." The ravenette whispered lowly, seriousness overtaking his face. The younger sighed heavily, resting his forehead on the other's shoulder.

"Please, Kookie? Just this one time, and I'll never ask of it again, and we can go back to how it's always been. I want you to take me just this once, just so I can know what it feels like." The brunette looked up with pleading eyes that the guard could not easily resist. "If my appa is concerned with the villagers, I will be in house arrest, and no one will know. I'm only asking to risk it this one time, and then I'll wait an eternity if I have to until we are free to do as we wish. Please, Jungkook-ah, for me?" The noble begged, willing the heavens to have his lover comply. Jungkook held a silent internal debate, before dropping his gaze in resignation.

"As you wish, Taehyung-ah. But I will not be swayed to ravage you again within these walls. After tonight, I go back to receiving until we escape, so no one catches on. Am I clear?" The ravenette all but growled out, hands snaking to the small of the younger's back and the nape of his neck. Taehyung looked to him with eyes that held excitement and understanding, lust blanketing over all of it.

"Crystal." The brunette whispered, before the distance between their lips dwindled to nothing, and Junkook kissed him like it was the last time he would get the chance. The night crept by in slow motion for the lovers, bare limbs intertwined in a delicate dance of touches and pleasurable sensations, hushed moans and grunts suppressed by lips crushing against one another, and a comforting bliss encasing them in their own bubble.

In all of the times they had secretly melded with each other against the silk bedding, nothing felt more right than this moment right now--- Jungkook above Taehyung, forearms straining to hold himself up as he pushed in and out of the younger in a way that made the brunette drool. Tae reveling in all of the things Jungkook would give him, the immense pleasure he received, how loved and cherished he felt.

Nothing anyone could every say now would deter him from believing that Jungkook was his soulmate, his better half, the one who he could not live without. Jungkook was his everything, and Taehyung was willing to give up the only life he'd ever known to be with him. They were going to runaway together soon, live deep in the forest, and start over as just two lovers spending the rest of their lives together. All they had to do was wait for the perfect opportunity to slip away unnoticed.

But fate is not always so straightforward...

A/N: Hi guys! Welcome to the start of my new story. If you have read my other book "What You Dont Know", you already know that I tend to map out the entire plot for a story, so dont worry I will see this baby to the end. If you are a returning reader of mine, welcome back and thank you for your continued support. For those new here,  hello and I hope you enjoy your stay! As always I look forward to comments and constructive feedback as we move forward. With that said, look forward to at least one chapter a week, or more if I'm in a creative mood!

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