Chapter 4

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A/N: Most of the book will be in third person, but I felt the need to do this in Taehyung's perspective just this once. Hope you enjoy!

Taehyung's POV:

I could hardly see Hyuna walk out of the room as tears began to swim in my eyes again. A metallic stench filled my nose, almost forcing a dramatic gag from me, but then I remembered it was blood--- my Jungkook's blood. I couldnt scream and cry like I wanted to, I'd done enough of it when the initial shock of slitting his throat wore off. Now I was just numb...dead on the inside.

Looking around I could see all of the advisors, maids, guards, and random staff members laying lifelessly on the ground, their weak necks wrenched in grotesque angles that effectively broke them. Rationally, I know I should feel some ounce of sympathy for those people. They never did anything that hurt me...but they also didnt try to stop my father today.

That monster thankfully sat dead in his chair that he prided so much. The hideously gaudy and ornate piece of furniture that he was so hellbent on preserving--- he made me kill the love of my life for it. It's almost poetic justice on Hyuna's part that she killed him in that seat. Of all of the deaths today, I feel the least amount of pity for his.

How that sorceress managed to slaughter so many with only a few hand gestures, I will probably never know. If only she had killed me too, then I could be with my Kookie right now. I have no idea where the guards dragged his body off to, and with the sun already starting to descend from its peak, I probably wouldnt have time to find out. Hyuna scared me with her power, so her words about escaping were all I could focus on.

Unsteadily, I rose to my feet and cautiously exited out the side door. The estate was like a ghost town, no one was out and not a sound echoed through the courtyard, not even the villagers could be heard protesting. I saw a major streak of blood leading to the river that filtered into our walls, no doubt where they threw Jungkook's body and let it be carried away by the current. No matter how badly I wanted to sit and mourn for him, the weight around my neck was a reminder that, body or not, I still had him with me. I could imagine him making fun of what an ugly cryer I am, or probably complain about how slow I'm being, or if I listened to my vain side--- he would have pecked my lips and told me how cute I managed to still look in despite of it all.

I wiped away the sole tear that tried to slide down my cheek, a humorless laugh escaping my lips. With a heavy heart, I walk briskly back to my quarters, still seeing no one. It's as though anyone that wasn't in the hall with us vanished into thin odd. No guards stood post at the entrance, so I walked in quietly and made my way to my bedroom.

The air in my lungs burned as I opened the door, taking in the sight of everything. I never noticed it before, but ever since the maids were ordered to stay out of my room, evidence of Jungkook's presence was quite prominent. The sheets from our passionate night were still wrinkled where we left them for later, bodily fluids stained into the fine silk. His clothes are mixed with mine in my wardrobe, and the dirty ones are combined on the floor. I almost forgot that I let him leave his hairpins and accessories for his guard uniform alongside my jewelry.

Sighing for the hundredth time, I grab the bag out of the bottom of my wardrobe and begin to pack. Obviously if I'm going to escape and try to start a new life, I cant very well bring my highly expensive, one-of-a-kind silk robes imported from China, or the Hanbok with my family Crest. The second a villager caught sight of any connection to my father, they'd probably burn me at the stake or chop me up into bits, even if none of them hated me in particular. So I did the only logical thing, also the most comforting and yet heartbreaking action for myself--- I only grabbed Kookie's garments.

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