Chapter 2

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A/N: I decided to release this chapter sooner than planned, I hope you enjoy it!

No One's POV:

The night that Mingyu sent his reserves into the village to demand they step down, began the start of something disastrous. Not only were the peasants furious that their lord had the audacity to order them to disband under the threat of losing their livelihood, but he had the gaul to refuse to offer aid to "disease ridden rats". To say that there existed a spark of outrage, was an understatement.

Due to the political climate of Korea with encroaching foreign invasion, and similar uprisings in many cities and towns from the uncharacteristically dry farming season, life was a mess for everyone. The nobility were so wrapped up in their personal affairs and making sure that their estate's surplus was filled and guarded, that they paid little mind to how the lower class was suffering. Rich citizens had no reason to fret over the weak and dirty individuals dying from famine and some plague that was decimating whole towns.

The only concern the upper class had was preserving their family line, and making sure that even if imperial Korea as they knew it fell, they still had young offspring that could carry on their name. It was a twisted, shallow, and apathetic way to view the disheartening situation at hand. Hundreds of thousands of people all over the country were dropping like flies, and all Taehyung's father could care about was if his bath was heated to the right temperature while he snacked on a apple that he didnt finish.

Since the boy was often forced to stay hidden within his personal quarters, Jungkook was his only source of news, the guard updating him on the conditions of the villagers and whatever news Wonshik discussed. The secret lovers almost always having honest conversations about what they feel should be done.

"Its gotten worse." Jungkook muttered, playing with Taehyung's messed up hair from their heavy makeout session a while ago. The younger burrowed his face more into the muscular chest of the older, cheek smooshed against the smooth silk of the uniform. "How much worse?" Taehyung questioned hesitantly, knowing his father's cruelty could know no bounds.

"Over half of the population has succumbed to either starvation or disease in the nearby village, and the citizens are still protesting despite the fire raid your father ordered last night." The ravenette answered, hugging the brunette closer to his body when he felt him shiver.

"I wish we could help them, Kookie. It's not fair I have all of this and they have nothing, just because I was born into this stupid family! If it wasnt for my title, you and I could be living happily off in the woods somewhere." Taehyung grumbled petulantly, repeating the same argument he so often made.

Jungkook sighed with a small chuckle, "But if you werent born into this family, we very well may not have met, and then I'd be here doing this with another nobleman's son, or worse his daughter." The guard groaned loudly when Tae brought his fist down hard over his diaphragm, effectively knocking the wind out of him. "Dont ever joke about that! You are mine and no one else's!"

"Of course, Tae. I was only trying to lighten the mood a little. You know I dont like it when you drag yourself down, because despite having a monstrous family, I have never met a more kind and compassionate and perfect individual than you. Just because you share blood, does not mean you have the same personality. You are nothing like your father." Jungkook stated in earnest, knowing that's really what Taehyung needed to hear. The younger's greatest fear was turning into the nobleman, worried one way or another that his coldness would rub off, but Jungkook was always there to remind him that he wasnt a monster. Jungkook is who kept Taehyung sane, ready to profess all the ways in which the honey brown haired boy embodied the very best of humanity, and the younger was always in need of hearing it, no matter how many times in the past he already had.

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