Chapter 7

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A/N: Tis I back from the dead again. I'm struggling to write the epilogue to my other book so I figured I would update this. Apologies for the delays, semester is in full swing and adulting is kicking my ass....anywho I GOT TICKETS FOR METLIFE 💜💜💜💜💜 and that has sorta been the highlight of my life thus far...

Please enjoy this little update and leave feedback!

No One's POV:

Unfortunately for Taehyung, the council was a sense.

Practical and reasonable were more precise.

The grand council that presided over Taehyung's trial consisted of vampires already in the triple digits where age was concerned. They were the heads of all of the major covents, each serving to represent their nests' wellbeing. It was decided that the new fledgling's behavior, while it threatened the existence of vampires and was a waste of human lives, death would not be a proper solution. Especially, if it's exactly what the boy wanted.

Instead, Taehyung was to serve imprisonment lasting a year for each life he brutally stole. He was to be dried out, and started on a controlled regiment of animal blood, and he would not be allowed to witness the changes to the outside world until such a time that he was deemed not a threat anymore. So until that day came, Taehyung was locked in a dingy cell with a silver laced restraint harness that kept the vampire from escaping or attacking whoever came to feed him.

The drying out process had been a brutal two and half weeks for the boy. He had never known such thirst and hunger so intense and interconnected that he could not distinguish which hurt more. At times Taehyung felt he was hallucinating whenever his hearing picked up a bird's heartbeat as it landed near his very tiny cell window.

When they finally allowed him blood, the fledgling was almost ravenous. But the beast within quickly knew that the rabbit blood in his cup was not fresh squeezed human juice. It took many attempts, and a few force feedings with tubes, to get Taehyung to even successfully stomach the tangy substance. But progress was progress Namjoon supposed.

And the day Taehyung was deemed safe enough to venture out of his cell, still restrained in a harness, his creator was there ready to show him all he missed in the last five years. Yes, it took the fledgling half of a decade to not want to tear into humans the second he smelled them, and to not kill every animal he came accross.

Namjoon was gentle with him much like a parent would to a small child, or atleast how Taehyung guessed a relationship of that sort would work. He wouldnt know from experience, his mother was a concubine that died shortly after giving birth and his father was nothing more than the provider of the seed that conceived him. Tae could not recall a time when Mingyu didn't act like there was a large stick up his ass-- and not in the fun way.

But with his creator, the older vampire was infinitely patient and caring as Taehyung struggled with the sudden overload of sensations as they came up from the dungeons. First it was the symphony of murmurs coming from the council meeting on the other side of the compound. Then, it was the hammering heartbeats of the human staff that were cleaning the never ending surfaces of the manor and the enticing scent of the blood pumping through their veins . Lastly, it was the muffled noises of the world outside and the promise of more stimuli that would come from exposure to it.

Truthfully speaking, Taehyung didnt even know what part of Korea he was in, if he was even in the same country at all. His body was still battling to put the monster within himself in place, and grief was still fresh as the council locked him up so he paid little mind to where Namjoon had dragged them off to from whatever village he last slaughtered.

This is Not the End [On Going/Moved]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें