Chapter 5

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A/N: So I noticed this book will have shorter chapters than my other book. Hope you guys enjoy this update!

TW: Death, angst

No One's POV:

Taehyung had truly believed that the worst moments of his life were behind him. He thought the universe had punished him enough for whatever had caused his misfortunes in the first place. Living with Yuri was supposed to start his healing, to process the loss of everything--- his Jungkook, his home, his identity.

Words were not enough to describe how wrong Taehyung was.

It was hardly a week into his time with the elderly woman, when Yuri came back from the market feeling more tired than usual. She brushed off the young man's worries, reassuring him that she had just overestimated her stamina. But as the days crept by, Taehyung noticed Yuri only fell weaker and more sickly. He did his best to nurse her on his own, yet his lack of knowledge in medicine and precaution caused him to contract the illness as well.

Thankfully, Taehyung's age allowed for the disease to spread through him slower, and he had just began showing symptoms when Yuri started taking a turn for the worst. Deciding to seek professional help, the brunette brought the old woman to the village physician. Or at least who he thought was the village physician anyways.

The plaque nailed to the entrance of the gated home read, "Kim Namjoon- Medicinal Specialist". That was basically a doctor in Taehyung's opinion, though he didnt understand why no one was flocking to this place. Plenty of people were starting to grow ill, so it would make sense that many would be at a place such as this. Regardless, the boy guided Yuri inside and towards the door.

Before they even reached the porch, a tall man with brown hair came out in white physicians robes--- bloodied ones at that. The mystery man offered a kind smile, eyes seeming to carry a certain level of understanding as he observed the pair. "welcome to my clinic, I'm Kim Namjoon." He greeted with a respectful bow of the head. Taehyung did his best to offer one in response, but holding Yuri up made things awkwardly difficult.

"I'm T-Jungkook, and this is Yuri. C-can you help us, please?" The boy asked, suppressing a cough as he spoke, almost screwing up his name again. Namjoon silently nodded and motioned for them to follow him into a building adjacent from the one he exited. It was where his 'patients' stayed as he tended to them. Rows of cots and shelves of salves and medical supplies filled the open space.

Taehyung lowered Yuri onto one of the many beds, holding her hand in reassurance that she wasnt alone, though she was too out of it to really notice. "You need to lay down too, you're sick as well." Namjoon advised the younger, seeing the early symptoms of the disease.

"I'm *cough* fine, she needs me more." The boy replied, not bothering to look at the older. Namjoon let out a sigh and went to collect some supplies to help ease the elderly woman's pain. He could tell she was beyond saving, but that didnt mean he couldn't give a painless end.

Yuri died four days later during the night.

Taehyung had woken up to her practically hacking up a lung, blood slowly being brought up and out of her throat. Though his own joints were growing stiff and sore with each day, he still tried to act strong for her. He whispered comforting words as she gasped for air, not really paying attention when Namjoon entered the room. The physician used his acupuncture needles to push on the pressure points that took her life, ridding Yuri of the pain her body was enduring. He described the death to Taehyung as "letting the soul depart with a deep sigh".

Of course the boy knew the day would come when he would lose Yuri too. She was well into her final years and frail in many aspects, but he didnt expect for it to be so soon, and certainly not by an epidemic. Taehyung truly believed the universe hated him. First he had to endure a father that did not love him, then he had to kill his lover and run away from his home, and now he had just watched his only friend in this world die.

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