Chapter 8

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A/N: so I was having writers block with the epilogue to my other book so I wrote this to compensate. Anyways hope you enjoy this short little update!

No One's POV:

Eight days.

It was eight days after the accident when Mr. Jeon finally removed himself from his wife's bedside to meet his son. Every day leading up to it, Yoongi had cautiously brought up the idea to the distraught man, and each time he was dismissed the vampire simply sighed and continued with his rounds.

The only positive that came out of the situation is that Yoongi could see Taehyung thriving with a purpose. Centuries of watching Namjoon's barely mentally present childe just going through the motions of surviving left slim hope that the younger vampire would reach the persona his cousin observed in Tae's memories. It was always hard to see how the shell of a fledgling was ever a bright and mischievous youth.

Yoongi remembers in vivid detail how Namjoon described the series of events that led to Taehyung's spiral. He knew all too well what having a desire for men in that era was like, had endured the consequences of it until he took his last breath as a human. But even still, the vampire could never begin to try and empathize with the tsunami of trauma that would come from being forced to murder the one person you loved more than anything in the world.

To be so close to escaping to have it all, only for it to be your own sword that severs the fraying ropes holding that course up.

Yoongi could never fathom how he would have reacted if in Taehyung's shoes, to have Hoseok or Jimin in Jungkook's. Worst even, to have them both before him waiting for the inevitable. The silver haired vampire remembers practically running home to his mates in tears the night Namjoon divulged all the skeletons in Taehyung's closet.

He remembers how Hoseok and Jimin simply curled into his sides, held him tightly until the ache in his chest left. It was also the night he came to respect Taehyung in a new light, to see past the council sentencing. Taehyung only slaughtered a handful of towns...Yoongi would have set the whole of Asia on fire.

So to see the brunette genuinely smiling as he cradled the baby he called 'Googie' was refreshing. Taehyung didnt let the other nurses tend to the child, always being the one to bathe and feed him. It truthfully wasnt surprising given the imprint that formed the night the baby was born, which is what made this next part difficult.

"Taehyung-ah," The younger vampire looked up from where Googie was happily gurgling in his attempts to snag the allusive pinky. "Mr. Jeon would like to see his son."

A brief glint of hesitation and anger passed through the brunette's eyes before it was quickly masked in fake enthusiasm. A nasty habit of the younger, Yoongi has come to learn. "Did you hear that, bun? You finally have a visitor!"

The baby couldnt have cared less to the words being uttered to him, he just moved his hands around without coordination to catch his target.

"Taehyung, behave." The older vampire warned, stepping out only to return shortly after with the elusive Mr. Jeon. The man kept his head bowed slightly, shame clearly on his face as he moved further into the nursery. His attention was finally gained when an excited squeak left his son, having successfully latched onto Taehyung's finger.

"Would you like to hold him?" Yoongi prompted, taking a stance next to Tae in case he needed to pry the boy out of the other vampire's arms.

"Can I?" The man asked softly, biting his lip nervously when the bundled up newborn was placed in his care. The child was a little restless in the newcomers hold, wiggling and letting out little irritated puffs. Taehyung was all ready to swipe Gukkie away when Yoongi placed a firm grip on his shoulder, vampire strength forcing him into the seat.

"H-he doesnt like me very much."

"He just needs to get to know you is all." Yoongi assured, offering a warm smile on his usually neutral face. "Try talking to him, it may help." Mr. Jeon looked extremely uncertain with the advice, so Taehyung decided to speak up.

"Googie likes conversations and to be cooed at."

"Googie?" Mr. Jeon questioned, looking between the fussy baby and the hospital volunteer before him.

"He didnt have a name, so I've been calling him Googie. It's hard to make baby Jeon sound endearing, ya know?" The brunette explained, fingers itching to get his hands back on the infant. The man smiled a little looking at his son after that.

"My great grandmother used to call my grandfather something like that as a kid, wrote it on all of his baby photos. Looks like him a bit too...little Jeonggukie." The human spoke wistfully, letting the boy suck on his index finger.

"Jeon Jeongguk? Is that the name you would like filed on the birth certificate?" Yoongi inquired, receiving a brief nod in return.

"Not really sure if it's what my wife would have chosen, but I believe its suits him. Is it alright if he's brought into her room for a little while?"

Taehyung wanted to petulantly whine when Yoongi agreed and escorted the man out with his child. The vampire knew the day was going to come when Googie- well Jeongguk- as he was ironically named was going to go away.

And unfortunately for him, that day came less than a week later. Thus restarting the neverending cycle of Taehyung roaming around as a lost soul. The loss of progress was disheartening to say the least as Yoongi wrote to Namjoon and Jin in Africa. He could only hope that fate would be merciful for once and let their paths cross again.

But two years went by and Taehyung returned to live with his Sire. By 2003, the council lifted the imprisonment sentence totally and held a small ceremony where the brunette was finally inducted into Namjoon's family covent. It was an emotional day, because it meant no more collars, no more travel restrictions, no more supervision and council check ins. It marked a start to real freedom in his immortality and Taehyung would swear Namjoon cried more than he did.

And for almost twelve years it was more than enough for the vampire. Sure the small itch of never knowing what came of the baby he imprinted on always gnawed at his subconscious. The memories of Jungkook never faded away either, but the guilt he carried was finally starting to lessen. It helped to follow Hoseok's suggestion of making a bucket list of everything he thought his lover would have wanted to do and complete them himself.

Closure also became more attainable when Namjoon let Taehyung grieve with an actual grave site- even if it was empty. At least Tae had a place to go and 'talk' to Jungkook, to show him picture and babble on about the adventures and sites he saw. It gave him a place to weep when the days were especially lonely and he clutched onto the necklace that survived all those years. But in total it was healing.

In the time that passed, Yoongi joined the medical staff of the hospital his clinic partnered with and ascended to medical director. Taehyung found it comical how the majority of the board were other vampires as well, all dedicated to preserving life and such. But it made volunteering much easier if the staff wasnt going to get suspicious of a young adult that never aged.

So when Yoongi asked him to return to Busan and become a hospice volunteer for a specific patient, he thought nothing of it. In fact he was delighted to see the new facilities and to spend extended time with Jimin, the smaller having claimed his rightful role as best friend forever.

But all the excitement and enthusiasm for this round of volunteering went straight down the drain the minute Yoongi hesitantly handed him a confidential folder. The grim expression the older had only turned more sorrowful when he watched Taehyung's breath hitch and eyes tear up at the typed sticker attached to the file.

Name: Jeon Jeongguk (M)
Age: 17 years, 4 months
Status: Terminal

A/N: if you thought the angst would be over, oh boy are you in for a treat. This story is mostly angst with a happy ending if I'm still vibing with it when we get there. Thank you to everyone actually reading this story. Life is hectic so I'll update when I can...probably will in a couple weeks when its spring break. Please leave feedback to help me with writing as I tend to get stuck! I look forward to your comments!

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