To Kill You All Along

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"God, why didn't Dad teach you to drive sooner?" Ronnie asked, reclining in the passanger side seat.
"I never needed to." I replied, slowly turning the wheel to avoid a pothole.
"You're not too shabby."
"Wow, thanks." I said sarcastically. "Wanna listen to music?"
"Your bitching is getting on my nerves."
"Fair enough. But no music. It'll distract you."
"From what?" I motioned to the empty road lined by pine trees. "We're in the middle of nowhere."
"Even the middle of nowhere is still somewhere."
"You don't need to get all philosophical on me."
He laughed. "Sure, I don't need to. But I want to."
"Wasn't your license suspended?"
"I'm not the one driving, am I?"
"No, I suppose not."
"Wonderful." Ronnie smiled brightly. "Wanna go fast?"
"Hell no."
"Suit yourself."
"Oh, come on, Ronnie." I playfully punched him, keeping my eyes on the road. "Dad know we're out?"
"I mentioned it to Anthony. Just hope he told Dad, cause he's gonna be pissed if the car isn't back."
"He's not going anywhere. I checked."
"That's my smart girl."
"Where do you wanna go? We should probably go somewhere."
"Right you are, Arizona. How about Max's?"
Ronnie leaned back, feet on the dash. "I love you."
"I love you too. Feet down."
"What are you, my mother?" He pouted.
"That'd be a hell of a problem, considering I'm nothing like her."
"I sure hope you're not."
"For everyone's sake involved, I hope I'm not too."
And then there was a bright light in my vision, and a screech of metal. I was dumb enough to not wear my seatbelt. Ronnie was wearing his. He didn't trust my driving all too much, which is fair. He was thrown forward, but held back by the seatbelt. I was jerked towards the windshield, which shattered. Glass rained down around us as I hit my head. "Ronnie?" I called out.
No answer. I looked over at the right side of the car. It was crushed in, and underneath was Ronnie. "Ronnie!" I cried, tugging on his arm. I freed him from the debris and got us both out of the car and onto the pavement. "Ronnie!" I felt for a pulse. Nothing. He wasn't breathing, and that's when I noticed the metal in his chest right where his heart was. I immediately knew he was gone, and sunk back, sobbing. The other driver was in his car passed out. Must've been drunk. The scent of gasoline and copper overwhelmed me. My hands were covered in an oily sheen and my legs and torso was covered in a thick, red liquid. Blood. A piece of glass was embedded in my stomach, but I didn't feel it. Yet. Pushing myself up on my feet, gasoline dripped from my hands to the ground, leaving a visible circle where each drop landed. "Ronnie." I whispered. Another light caught my eye from the front of the car. A fire. It was already big, fueled by the oil, but I knew as soon as it hit the gasoline the car would explode. I grabbed Ronnie's arm, prepared to drag him across the pavement, but I couldn't. A sharp pain assaulted me in my stomach and I finally felt the glass, and goddamn, it hurt. Sobbing, I backed up. Ronnie looked peaceful, resting against the car. Like he was sleeping. And then the fire consumed him, consumed his body, and my brother was gone forever.
The man in the other car stumbled out. "What... Where's the other guy?"
I silently pointed to the car, where you couldn't even see Ronnie anymore. "I need your phone."
He handed it over. "Who're you calling?"
I dialed. "D-Dad?"
"Hi, honey. What's the matter?"
"Ronnie... He was helping me to drive. And a... A drunk guy... Barreled into us, and.... And Ronnie died... The car's exploded.... Dad, he... He went out on a chariot of fire." I started sobbing.
"Where are you?"
"The woods outside the city. We were on our way to Max's."
"I'll be there soon."
I tossed the guy's phone onto the ground. He started to protest, then quieted. I lost my brother. Screw your fucking phone.
After an hour, but seemed like four, another car arrived, followed by an ambulance, a police car, and a fire truck. Dad sprinted out. "Arizona! Are you hurt?"
The glass was still inside of my stomach, inside of me. "Y-Yeah."
"Wait, what the fuck?" He looked down at my stomach. "What happened?"
"The windshield shattered. As my head hit it."
Anthony was next to me. "Her head's bleeding. Where the hell is Ronnie?"
I hit my lip and pointed at the car. "He's dead. I tried... I did... But..."
"No." My brother collapsed onto his knees.
The paramedics tried to find Ronnie, but once they realized he was engulfed in the flames, they focused their efforts on me. Before I knew it, I was loaded onto the ambulance with multiple people working on me, and Anthony was sitting on the bench, numb. We sped off, leaving Dad at the scene with our dead brother.

The one thought that kept going through my brain was a sin. When I Go Out, I Want To Go Out On A Chariot Of Fire.
Well, you did, Ronnie. You did.

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