This Taste Will Last Until I Rip It Out

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"Dress nicely!" Jacky said.
"Not too nicely, though, this is an emo party." Ryan replied.
I groaned and went into my room. After searching through my clothes, I decided on a red long sleeved sheer top over a black bralette. I threw on black skinny jeans and a pair of combat boots. I ran a brush through my hair and quickly applied some eyeshadow; then ran out of my room. Derek whistled. "You look good, Arizona."
I blushed. "Thanks."
"Let's go."


"I dunno who's gonna be here." Jacky said after the rest of the band ran off to get drinks. "Escape The Fate, maybe. But you already know them. Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, for sure. New Years Day, maybe. Motionless In White, maybe, but I'd think Andy would have better sense then to scare you. Black Veil Brides, definitely."
"Why would I be scared? Chris Motionless isn't that bad, right?"
"You'll find out for yourself eventually. Um, I'm gonna go find the guys, alright? You mingle." Jacky walked off.
I groaned and spun around, only to come face to face with Andy Biersack. Well, not face to face. Face to chest. I'm 5'4 and short. "Hey, Arizona." He smiled. "What's up?"
"Not much, my band ditched me."
"Fair, they all wanna get drunk." I noticed he wasn't wearing the heavy makeup and hair that I've seen pictures of. Instead it was more lowkey, a little bit of eyeliner and his hair was brushed up slightly. He was also wearing a black t-shirt, a cutoff denim jacket, and black jeans. "They abandoned their lead singer. Nice."
"It's fine." I rolled my eyes.
"Come on, want a drink?"
"I can't legally-"
"It's fine, it's my party, I'll take responsibility." He dragged me to the drinks. "Besides, you're like twenty. It's close enough. What do you want?"
He handed me a shot and kept one for himself. "Bottoms up."
We downed them. "Thanks."
Andy laughed, his eyes crinkling up at the corners. "You know how to take shots. Ronnie?"
"Of course, who else?"
"Fair. So, do you play any instruments besides singing?"
"Ronnie taught me a fair bit of piano, and I know guitar, taught myself when I was ten."
"Nice. Can you scream?"
"A bit."
"Do some."
"Oh, no, none of you are hearing me sing before a new album comes out."
"You're planning on a new album?"
"I'm rolling with what Ronnie had written, and he had a fair amount going strong."
"Awesome. I should let you be. Talk to other people."
"Yeah, you should. Butt out, Biersack." Ash said, sliding up to me.
Andy rolled his eyes and walked off. "Hi, Ash."
"Hey. Nice outfit, by the way."
"Thanks. Looking at you, I now realize we could be matching if we ever coordinated our wardrobes."
"That'd be fun. We should do that some time."
"Yeah, it would be." I replied.
My phone dinged a few times. Ash grinned. "Probably should answer that."

Ryan: what the fuck
Ryan: !!!!!!!
Ryan: it's important
Me: what????
Me: WHAT?????
Ryan: I heard it with my own two ears
Ryan: so did Derek
Me: explain
Ryan: we were chattin with Chris Motionless and Andy is near us talking to Jinxx n Jake
Ryan: and Chris is like "oh wasn't he just talkin with Arizona?"
Ryan: and Derek's like "oh yeah he was, I just saw them"
Me: and????
Ryan: I'm gettin to the good part stfu
Me: okay okay
Ryan: and I heard andy say "holy shit she is really attractive, that shirt she's wearing..."
Ryan: and Jinxx replied "then go after her right now"
Ryan: and Andy said "I can't, ash costello booted me out"
Me: yea I was talkin to ash right before you started this, hurry up
Ryan: Jinxx said "fuck her, man, find a way to get into her pants"
Ryan: and Andy said "I'm not so crude"
Ryan: then Jinxx said to ask Ashley for tips and Andy rolled his eyes and left
Me: okay Jesus okay I'm just gonna keep talking to ash thanks
Ryan: no problem :)
Me: ... Ugh

Ash laughed. "Important?"
"Not in the slightest, Ryan just likes to keep me informed on mundane things."
"Of course he does."
"What's up with you?"
She shrugged. "Not much, we've been trying to put together an album."
"It's not going too well, but nothing I can't handle."
"If you ever need somewhere to hang out, my apartment is here. I'll kick out Ryan, he can hang with Jacky."
"Sweet. Thank you." She looked around. "Ah, shit. And there goes Anthony, about to fuck something up. I should go, I'm so sorry, bye!" She kissed my cheek and sped off.
I laughed and walked up to the person I knew was Vic Fuentes. "Hey, it's the new singer for Ronnie's band."
"Ronnie's sister, I don't know he if mentioned. Arizona."
Vic smiled. "Vic, but I assume you already know."
"So you go from being basically a teenager into this world. You're gonna be a celebrity if you're already not."
"I assumed."
"And you're turning into Ash Costello."
"I am not, Vic!"
He chuckled. "I'm messing with you."
He slid me a shot. "I know you're underage, but..."
I took the shot. "Thanks."
"Does everyone here support underage drinking?" A guy asked, coming up behind me.
"Yes, Kellin." Vic said. "We're letting her get drunk tonight. She's Ronnie's sister, anyways."
"I've been drunk before." I replied.
"She is Ronnie's sister."
"Fair." Kellin shrugged. "So... Arizona, right?"
"Yeah." I looked at him.
"Okay, it's my unofficial job to tell you all the drama between everyone right now. To be fair, there's not much, except between Ronnie and Escape The Fate but you definitely already know that. However, I've got-"
"Don't." Vic warned.
"Andy Biersack likes you." He sang.
"Ryan told me." I smiled.
"You already know? Then what am I here for?"
"Kellin, there's no way that my drummer would hear that and not tell me. They've been egging me on for ages to date someone."
"And you're gonna date Andy Biersack?"
"No, it's just nice to know I have options."
"Biersack?" Vic asked in total disbelief.
"I mean he's attractive, but you've heard? How?" A guy slid up to us. "I was surprised when he told me, but looking at you, I now see it. I'm Jinxx."
"Arizona. But you know that."
"Andy crushing on anyone is a big deal."
"Except Juliet." Kellin chimed in.
"Juliet was a summer crush he had for a week."
"Fair enough. Come on, Kellin, let's go annoy Jacky." Vic dragged him off, obviously to let me and Jinxx talk alone.
"So Andy really likes me?" I asked.
"I don't think I've ever seen him fall so hard for someone. You're exactly what we figured his type is."
"Me and Ashley and CC. We figured out his dream girl."
"And?" I raised my eyebrow.
"Long black hair, pale skin, a cross between goth and emo fashion taste, can sing and play instruments... You can play instruments, right?"
"Andy asked, I told him I play guitar and piano."
"Ah, of course. Can you scream?"
"Ronnie's my brother, of course I can scream."
Jinxx studied me. "You're a virgin, aren't you?"
"Yeah... Why?"
"No reason. But you're exactly Andy's type."
"Including my virginity?"
"No, not including that. That was a bonus question."
"Uh, okay."
"Talk to Andy. Go upstairs up to his room or some shit and talk to him."
"I feel like this is gonna lead to more then talking."
"Only if you two let it. Listen, he's gonna be over here in a minute, Jake sent him."
"Ah, okay."
"Talk about something boring. So, which direction are you gonna take the new Falling In Reverse album?"
I shrugged. "Dunno yet. I'm just basing it off of what I have from Ronnie, I guess."
Andy walked up to us. "Hey, what're you talking about?"
"Arizona here is telling me about what she's doing with the album."
"Ooh, what're you doing with it?"
"Dunno. I've got a book of lyrics Ronnie had lying around and I'm working off of that. He's got quite a few songs already written fully, so they'll be included. They're also good for me to analyze his writing style, cause I don't wanna do another fuck you album to Escape The Fate."
"Fair, fair." He nodded.
Jinxx chimed in. "Yo, Andrew, why don't you show Arizona your mini recording studio upstairs? I'm sure she'd love to see it."
I caught a glance Andy shot at Jinxx. He was luring us into a plan he had made, that sneaky bastard. "Uh, sure, follow me."
I followed him upstairs to a recording studio. It was two small rooms, one was the recording room and the other was the mixing room. "Woah." I said.
Andy laughed. "Yeah. It's extra and extremely show-off."
"But I'm guessing you don't really show it off?"
"Not really." He started walking off to another room, I followed. "Hey, is it chill if I change shirts real quick? It's hot as hell down there."
"Sure." He wasn't lying. It was hot. I sat down on the bed and realized it was his room. Quickly he shed his jacket and shirt. Holy shit... He was attractive shirtless. Oh boy, Arizona. What the hell are you thinking? He pulled his jacket back on and grinned. "What, enjoying the view?"
"I... But..." I sputtered, barely able to get a word out.
"Uh huh."
"I know Jinxx set this all up. I made the mistake of telling him I like you and now everyone knows. Kellin and Vic, you. I don't know how you know though, did Kellin tell you?"
"No. Ryan and Derek were talking with Chris when you told Jinxx and Jake. They eavesdrop."
"Damn. Okay. So your band knows."
He sat next to me. "But, yeah... I really do like you. And... Yeah."
"Awe, Andy Biersack, who's amazing with words and lyrics, can barely get out a sentence. How cute."
"Wh... Arizona!"
I smiled. "Yeah? You know it's true."
"I... That's not fair!"
"Then what is?"
He hesitated for a second. "This." Andy pressed his lips to mine and I felt myself kissing back. He pulled away. "Yeah... I wanted to do that."
"Fuck, it was stupid, wasn't it?" He asked, his hand running through his hair. "Shit, I'm sorry, Arizona, I-"
I grabbed his jacket and pulled him close to me, kissing him. "No. It wasn't." I mumbled.
Before I knew what was happening, Andy had me pinned on his bed, him holding my wrists down. He kept kissing me. "I... As soon as Ronnie had ever mentioned you, I had a small crush on you and... And as soon as you called me... I knew I'd have to meet you."
"Andy, less talking." I whispered, my hands pushing his jacket off.
"Woah, okay." He pulled my shirt over my head. "Anyone could walk in... Jinxx knows..."
"I... You're right."
"No, please don't stop kissing..."
I didn't. I kept kissing him, hands tangled in his hair. "Andy..."
He reluctantly pulled away. "Fuck. You're drunk... They're gonna suspect stuff."
I pulled my shirt on. "I'll stay here, pretend like I passed out."
"You can do that convincingly?"
"Okay." He kissed my forehead. "Once I get Kellin and Vic out, we should be okay."
"Good luck with that."
"Yeah, I know." Andy chuckled. "Bye."
He switched off the lights and closed the door. I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes. Minutes later, but felt like hours, someone came into the room and sat next to me. "Hey, Arizona. I know you're not passed out."
It was Ryan. And I decided not to reply. Just in case he was faking. "No, seriously. You went upstairs with Andy and even though it's dark, I can see your face is flushed. You didn't fuck, sadly. But you two made out. I hope he was good. Vic and Kellin are taking their sweet time to leave. Oh, well. I'll let you be to keep up your facade."
Ryan left and I smiled to myself. Good. He knew.

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