My Hands Smelled Like Gasoline

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"I'll always be your home." Ronnie grinned at me. "I can't believe your stupid ass is eighteen now."
I laughed and ran my hand through my hair. "I can't believe it either. Considering you're my brother, I didn't think I'd live this long."
"Hey, easy on Ronnie." Anthony playfully punched me. "He's herding a band."
"Ah, right, he is. I forgot about them."
"So do I." Ronnie replied. "At least I try to."
"Worst lead singer ever." I giggled, hugging him. "But thank you for being my brother."


"I'll always be your home." Jacky whispered, holding me to his chest. "No matter what happens."
We were laying on my bed, and I was sobbing uncontrollably. Ryan couldn't calm me down and he decided to try Jacky, since I was closest to him then to the rest of the band. "I just..."
"Breathe." He instructed. I felt his chest rise and fall. "Breathe with me."
I tried to do what he said, but I couldn't breathe. "J-J-"
"Shh, don't speak. Come on, breathe. Arizona, come on."
I choked on my tears and started coughing. "Jacks-"
"Shh, it's okay." He rubbed my back.
"I know, shh. Breathe, please. Come on."
After God know how long, I finally started calming down. "Please..."
"Here, drink some water first." He gave me a glass of water.
After crying for so long, I was dehydrated. I took a few sips of water and set it on my bedside table. "I..."
"Here." Jacky wiped my tears with the edge of his shirt, exposing his stomach. God, I must've looked pathetic. My eyes were red and my mascara was running.
"Jacks, I just...."
"What's the matter?" He asked.
I sat up and looked down. "I... I miss him. So much. And I just fell asleep for the shortest time and he came to me in a dream."
"What'd he say?"
"He..." I sniffed. "He told me he believed in me, and that I would do great things."
"But what's the matter?"
"He didn't actually say it, you know? It was just my subconscious."
"Oh. I'm sorry." Jacky kissed my hair.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." I pushed myself off of the bed and went to the bathroom. I went to splash water on my face, and then looked at the medicine cabinet. Slowly, I opened it. There were so many pills. I poured some into my hands without reading the label. From the looks of it, they were my anti-depressants. Throwing my head back, I swallowed them without the help of water. Blindly, I reached for more pills. These ones were blue and white. My anti-anxiety stuff. I swallowed them too. "Jacky?"
"Yeah?" His response was muffled.
I opened the door and stumbled to my room. "I think I did something stupid."
"I took the pills."
Jacky caught my arms. "What?"
"The anxiety ones and the... The anti-depressants."
"Here, on the bed." He guided me to my bed and I sat on it. "You're shaking."
"No, I'm not." I replied.
He held my hand in front of me and it was indeed shaking. "Arizona..."
"I'm okay."
"Ryan!" Jacky called out.
Ryan groaned. "What's up?"
"Arizona took pills."
"Which ones?"
"Anxiety and depression."
"Shit, we have to take her to a hospital."
"No." I interjected. "I'm okay."
"No, you're not." They said together.
"Self induced, comatose, chemical daze. That's... That's what Ronnie said anti-depressants are."
"Hospital." Ryan muttered.
"I can carry her." Jacky said.
"You're a twig."
"I can do it." He swept me up, carrying me bridal style. "Come on, Arizona. We gotta get you better."

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