I Curse This Taste That's On My Tongue

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"Arizona, this is Ash Costello." Derek said. "She was a good friend of Ronnie's. She also did some vocal coaching with him."
"Hi." I said quietly. "I'm... Well... Arizona. His sister."
She smiled warmly. "You look exactly like him." Ash was dressed in a black corset and black skinny jeans, with her hair flowing freely.
Reddening, I looked down. "Oh, uh, thanks."
"Of course."
"I'll let you two be." Derek walked off.
"Do you want anything to drink? We don't have much, but..." I looked through the fridge.
"I'm okay. Thank you, though."
"Can I ask a question?"
"Why weren't you at Ronnie's funeral?"
"No one told us he died until it was posted on the band's Twitter. Derek told us it was a close friends and family funeral anyways."
"You could've come. He talked about you a couple times."
"He did?"
"That's sweet." She ran her hand through her hair. "What... What was it like growing up with him?"
I smiled a bit. "Entertaining. He's way older then me and a bad influence. So I would always be getting into trouble, fights, stuff like that. But he was always on my side. But once he went to prison, everyone recognized me as his sister. It's okay though, I just hung out with Escape The Fate. They were pretty chill and Craig was okay once I got to know him." I laughed a bit. "Ronnie would kill me if he heard me say that."
"So the next album isn't gonna be anti-Escape The Fate?"
"No, it's not."
"That's good."
"He wrote this song, called Coming Home. And it was... It's... I dunno. A concept version, I guess. In the notebook where I found it, there were little doodles of astronauts and planets. And after I found it, I got it tattooed. As a reminder of him. Cause there's lyrics, like "Hold on my dear, I'm coming home" and "Your love is not a sin, even if it's hard." It's just... Yeah. I know it's stupid."
Ash took my hands. "It's not stupid. He's your brother. You have a CD, a band, and a bunch of promo photos to take over. He's heavily tattooed, God and everyone else knows it. You just want to be like him."
"Listen, I don't particularly know the dynamics of how your band works, and I know they'll help you, but it might be better to talk to another guy who's used to corralling idiots. Someone who's also an idiot himself, cause then he knows the real shit."
"I dunno. Probably should ask someone. I have to deal with my own idiots, but they're different from yours."
I laughed. "Thanks Ash."
She wrote down something on a piece of paper and slid it over to me. "My number. I wanna know who you talked to, and just wanna make sure you're okay in general."
"Thank you."
"I have to go now, I'm so sorry. Bye." She hugged me.
I hugged back. "Bye, and thank you."
"Of course."
I took out my phone and sighed.

Me: so I gotta deal with you idiots?
Jacky: like all of us as a band?
Me: yes
Jacky: yep, good luck
Me: anyone I can ask for advice?
Jacky: Vic Fuentes... He's gotta deal with some crap
Jacky: but you're way better off talking to Andy Biersack. Man's gotta deal with crazy people
Jacky: like Jinxx and cc and Ashley
Me: but Andy's an idiot himself
Jacky: why do you think one of them is always in the hospital?
Me: touché, thanks jacks
Jacky: of course <3

I laughed. "Great. Guess I gotta call Andy Biersack."
I dialed his number after searching for it on Ronnie's old phone. "Yo, it's Biersack."
"Uhm, it's Arizona Radke."
"Oh, the new singer. Nice. I'm sorry about Ronnie."
"Uh. Thanks."
"So what's up?"
"Uh, I was just wanting to ask a question."
"Ask away, sweetheart."
I reddened, glad he couldn't see it through the phone. "I was just wondering how you control your band."
Andy laughed. "I don't. Why, looking for tips?"
"Just let them run free and deal with the damages."
"You give horrible advice."
"Too bad. You need it. You know what else you need?"
"A party. Gotta get cozy with the bands, Arizona. None of your guys would tell you that, except for Ryan, but you gotta get out there."
"Sure, whatever. When do you wanna have this?"
"Tonight. I've got all of the guys on speed dial. Ten PM, my house. Jacky will know where." He ended the call. That was a power move, okay. Guess I'm going to a party with Andy Biersack and all the bands.

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