Chapter 4

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"Oh, really?"

"Yeah. And guess what? She was different from every girl I know." Matthew took a bite out of his sandwich.

We were talking about this girl he likes. I smile at him to show him I was happy that he found the one. But, There's a part of me that feels upset. I feel... Sad.

Could it be? Am I jealous or something?

Nah, nah, I don't even like him. And I just met him like 1 month and 7 days ago. So... This isn't possible.

I shook my head making the idea come out of my mind. I heard Matthew giggle. Trying to stop out a laugh. I raise an eyebrow on him and Marvin.

"What are you guys laughing at?"

"Oh nothing." Marvin mumbled

I was about to speak when Stella arrived at our table.

"Hey, people." She said happily while putting her books on the table. And sat

"Hey, Sweetie. What's the happiness today?" Marvin said looking at Stella.

"Oh nothing, Honey." She smiled widely. Taking out her snack from her bag.

Matthew amd I looked at each other. I shrugged my shoulders and he tilted his head.

"What?" Stella asked while chewing on her food.

"Are you guys into something?" I asked pointing directly at the two of them?

"Well, I guess he haven't told you yet." Stella shrugged.

"I was waiting for you." Marvin said.

They both took a deep breathe...

"We are in a relationship."

Those words left my jaw dropped. I looked at Matthew, he seemed shocked too.

"Oh." I said expressionless. Now I know why Stella has changed these past weeks. Oh how lovely. And fast.

I looked at Matthew. He was looking at me. I looked away immidiatley. My heart can't take it.

I wish Matthew and I would be like them. But... Who am I anyway? He likes someonelse, and He only sees me as a friend.

The bell rang. Stella and Marvin went together to History. Then Matthew and I went for Math. The walk was kind of awkward. There was silence between us.

"So? Stella and Marvin are together now." Matthew broke the silence.

I didn't look at him. "Yeah. Good for them." I smiled still looking down.

"Do you think I should tell her?"

I stopped walking in hearing this. It kind of made me have this feeling of sadness. But, what can I do?

"Well, Yeah. You should." I shrugged my shoulders.

"But what if destroy the friendship we have? I don't want to lose her." He muttered.

We continued walking. "Well, I don't think that would destroy that friendship of yours. I mean, you're a nice guy. Handsome, and kind. I mean, you're close to perfect." I continued.

"You really think that?" His face enlightened.

"Y-yes.  Go and tell her. Tell her everything you feel about her!" I cheered out, forcing a smile.

"Thanks." He smiled and hugged me all of a sudden.

I felt my heartbeat speed up. I can't describe the feeling. "No problem."

"You're the best." He whispered and let go.

I smiled at him and we proceeded to Math class.

'What if it would break our friendship?' Friendship. Could it be..-- No, Matthew is a popular person. He probably has more girl friends besides me and Stella. I can't assume. Or else, it might hurt at the end.


The next morning, I went to the library to return the books I borrowed. I decided to look for more books to read.

There's this book I want to check on but it's to high I can't reach it no matter how I try. A guy must have noticed so he decided to check on me.

"Umm, hey miss. Is there something I can help?" He said.

"Oh well, I... Uhmm. You know, small girl problems?" I chuckled.

"Oh. I get it. Is it this book?" He pointed at the book I was trying to reach for.

"Yes. That's the one." I smiled.

He got out the book and handed it to me. I felt awkward and a little bit embarassed.

"Thanks for this one." I mumbled, showing him the book.

"Oh... You're wel-- Wait, Katie?" He bended over a little bit to see my face.

My eyes landed on round dark brownish eyes. I blinked and felt a wide smile crept up my face. "Andy? Andy Carter?" He gave me a nod and smiled. I wanted to scream, but I remembered that we were at the library. "Wait, let's go to the front desk  and borrow this book." I gave him a quick hug.

Andy Carter. He's tall, has dark hair and has round eyes, has a nice complexion, probably a light color. It suits him anyway.

Moments later, we were at the school garden. We found a good spot under a tree.

I gave Andy a tight hug and screamed for joy. "I missed you..." I whispered and closed my eyes. I didn't care, I just want to be like that with him for a few more minutes. He just stayed silent and wrapped his hands around me.

"Welcome to our school. I smiled."

"Thanks. By the way, I'm not sure where this is. Can you show me where?" He handed me a piece of paper. It read 'room F-25'

"Oh are you going there right now?" I asked him since this is where my first class is going to be.

He nodded. "Yes, this is actually where my first class is."

"Oh, well then come with me. That's where I'm going too. But I want you to meet some of my friends."

"Ok." He let out a kind smile.

We walked along the hall way to the cafeteria.

We have a new character!
So, who is Andy Carter and what is his role in Katie's life? Find out on the next one...

So, I hope you guys enjoyed today's chapter. And I hope I improved on writing somehow. >-<

See you at the next one <3


P.s sorry for the late update. I updated
3 chapters today. So... Enjoy!

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