Chapter 6

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"I like your skills, Mr. Carter, Thank you for joining this ministry."

"It's an honor to be here sir."

Andy and I  went to the cafeteria to see the squad. I looked at the time. It was 5:05 p.m. Silence was eating the both of us as we walked along the corridor. I decided to start a conversation.

"Wow. It's your first day and you got Sir's compliment. Awesome!"

"Haha thanks.  Can you believe that? He likes my skills." he chuckled.

"Yup. By the way... Iiked the way how you performed Cannon by Pachelbel."
I complimented him awkwardly.

"Yeah..." he said giving out a smile. "I love that piano piece."

"Hey, me too."

"Wow, what a coincidence." he bellowed.

We arrived at the usual table where the squad is. But, only Stella and Marvin were only there. We took a seat and everyone was silent. As usual, I had to start up a conversation.

"Where's Matthew?" I asked looking around the cafeteria.

"Oh, umm. Matthew had to do stuff." Marvin mumbled. Stella was resting her head on the table taking a nap.

"Oh..." I felt sad not seeing him with us. But what can he be doing? We all went silent after that.

5:35 p.m and Matthew hasn't arrive yet. We are at the library right now because he texted us to wait for him there. Mom and Dad has texted me now.

"Guys, I have to go home. Mom and Dad's looking for me already." I stood up and waved them goodbye.

"Can I come with you?" Andy asked me rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, alright. Come on."

I felt a bit of disappointment for Matthew. Why wasn't he there? Why didn't he come and join the squad? I just sighed it out and forget about what happened back in there.

"Hey? Is everything fine?" I heard Andy's voice. I looked at him and found him looking at me with a worried face. "Yeah. Just tired" I smiled. Andy smiled too. His eyes were round and brownish dark. He has dark black hair and a light color. He smiles like an angel. A tall angel. Yes. My height is only until his shoulders.

"Where do you live right now, Andy?" I asked him.

"37 Pinemount Street." he replied. My eyes widened. "Pinemount Street? Hey, I live there too."

"Really?" He cheerfully responded. "Where?"

"Just 5 blocks before your house, 32." I replied.

"Nice. So meaning, we can walk home together?" He asked excitedly.

"Yep. And we can go to school together too. Nice."

"High five there, mate!" He happily put up his hand. I gave him a high five. A literal high five. I needed to jump to reach him.

Andy is my childhood best friend. We were actually neighbors. And our house is just beside each other. He was the only kid in the neighborhood who accepts me and plays with me. We walk together to and from school. He's like a brother to me. We even camped outside at our backyard and viewed the stars. We even put our toys in one jar when we were 10 and buried it, symbolizing our friendship. He even confessed that he liked me. I thought that was only a joke or a play. Do I told him the same. But one day, My family had to move. I had to leave everything and Andy behind. He gave me a letter of how he would miss me and stuff like that. I still keep that up to this day. Ahh memories.  

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