Chapter 9

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The whole movie was great. Andy just ended up holding on to me everytime the music would raise or any sign of a jumpscare would approach. If he had a girlfriend, and he acts like that, I don't know what can happen. I had to pretend I was brave but boy, I was closing my eyes everytime Andy wasn't looking.

We went out of the cinema. I let out a sigh and checked my phone. It was already 12:10 a.m. We just stood in the middle of the mall silent.

"Anything you want to do?" He asked me while putting his arm over my shoulders. I felt my cheeks heat. Crap.

"Uhmm, I think we can--"

"Hey, Katie." I heard a voice behind us. It was Stella, Marvin, Matthew and of course Caroline. My eyes were just focused on the two, avoiding Matt and Carol.

"Double date?" I asked them, their eyes are glued to me and Andy. I forgot that his arms are on my shoulders. "It can be a tripple date." I heard Matthew speak up.

I can't come. I'll only get hurt. And Andy is just my best friend. Not my boyfriend.

I just stared at them with a blank face.  I looked at Andy to find him looking at me. Everyone's waiting for my answer. "Well, I, we can--"

"We can come with you guys. Triple date it is." I heard Andy replied with a cheerful voice. All I did was frown and look up at him. He just gave me a wink. Well, ok. Here comes nothing.

"Nice." Everyone bellowed. We started to follow them wherever they go. "Andy, I--" He suddenly cuts me out. Again. "Don't worry. I can back you up." He gives me a wink. Saying "Trust me." I trust him I always do. But right now, I don't feel right.

"What do you mean "back me up?" I gestured out an apostrophe sign on the last words. He held my hands, our fingers entwined together. Crap. I felt my heartbeat go faster. Not sure if it's because of nervousness or anything else. 

I took a deep breathe as my eyes just sticking on our hands. Just, just go with the flow Katie, Go. With. The. Flow.

We arrived in an amusement park near the mall. We lined up for our tickets. Matthew was in the other line.  My eyes landed on him. He must've felt that I was looking so he turned his head to me. His eyes landed on mine, which felt awkward because we were only looking at each other blankly. I immidiatley turned to Andy who was already next in line. He got our tickets and we waited for the others at a corner. Andy handed me a 500 peso bill. "What's this?" I looked at him in confusion. "Your money." He stated and smiled.

"What? This is my payment for the ticket."

"Yes. And I'm bringing it back."
"Hey! That's not fair!" I protested.

"It's nothing gurl." He said while acting girly.

I had nothing to do but laugh. "Stop it."

"I don't want to." his voice sassier than the one earlier. I laughed harder and smacked his arm.

"Hey. Don't hit mey." He scowled jokingly.

"You poop." I mumbled. Still laughing.

"What's the laugh about here huh?" I heard Marvin's voice. I looked behind me and saw the four approaching our direction.

First ride, the viking. We went to the end because that has more thrill than being in the middle. The last seat were for four people. Since Stella doesen't like being there, she and Marvin had to seat on the second to the last row.
The four of us sat down. Caroline at the side, Matthew, me, and Andy at the otherside.

The ride started to swing lightly. I can already hear Stella screaming and cursing out loud. Marvin was just whooing. Caroline was screaming too, but I can't tell if she's enjoying the ride or not. Matthew was just like Marvin. And I, was laughing at Andy's face expressions. "Make it stop, stop, stop." He mutters while narrowing his eyes. The ride swings higher and higher, the wind blows harder through my face makes me enjoy more.


Every ride was thrilling and worth the try. We all have smiles plastered on our faces. Except for Stella, she cried on every ride. Well, at least she has faced her fear? I don't know.

Everyone decided to split up and do whatever they want. Meeting place would be at the carousel by 2:30.

We still have more minutes so Andy and I decided to ride the ferries wheel. We can see the whole city above, buildings and cars, people are just like ants below. I brought out my phone and took pictures. I took selfies and videos with Andy, to be honest, they just look awful. Andy made a face in every photo and not a single one has him smiling. "I look sooo handsome." Andy hummed and did a half smile.

"Ok? I frowned at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh come on midget, admit it. I am H-A-N-D-Some." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Whatever." I chuckled, shaking my head.

After roaming around and stuffing ourselves with hotdogs, cotton candies, and more calories, we sat down in a bench and finished our ice cream.

After taking the last bite of my cone. Andy stood up and lead me to a claw machine. There were cute little stuffed animals inside it. Hah, he really is my best friend. He knows I'm that kind of person who isn't fond of big, life-sized stuffed toys. I just like the simple small ones since I have a limited space in my room. I heard him took a deep breathe.

"Just like the old times huh?" I smirked at him.

He laughed and gave me a wink. "So, tell me queen midget, is there any of your liking?"

"I command you to take that one." I demanded poiting at the light blue colored bunny in one corner.

"As you wish, your majesty." He proudly declared while stretching his arms.

Seconds later he already had the blue bunny and handed it to me. It's fur is so soft just like his dark and curly hair. "There's one more round." He said as he took my hand and placed it on the controllers. My right hand holding the joystick and my left one holing the button to grab.

He places his hand on top of my right and guided my hand to get the pink bunny in the middle. "Press the button, the button!" He panicked. I did as he says and grabbed the pink bunny. "I did it! I leaped for joy. I got it in the box and handed it to him. He chuckled and caressed it's fur. "I'll name her Katie." He chuckled.

"If that's Katie, then I'll call him Andy." I laughed.

"I'm Katie, you can call me midget." He said in his small, high pitched voice.

“What time is it anyway?” I asked.

Andy immediately checked his watch. “Oh shoot.” He muttred under his breathe. “We’re already 10 minutes late!” He yelled.

My eyes widened. “ Then let’s go.” I got our things and ran towards the carousel with Andy following me.

"Hey, guys." I stopped with my hands on my knees catching my breathe.

I noticed that there are only four of us. Stella, Marvin, Andy, and I.

Stella got a big teddy bear in her arms.  That's cute.

"Sorry we were late." Matthew came from behind us with Caroline following him. "Thank you for this one babe!" She exclaimed hugging the big teddy bear just like Stella's.

"Those are cute." I heard Stella say pointing at the two bunnies we got earlier. "Oh these? We got it from a claw machine." I replied.

Matthew was just smirking at Andy as if he was judging him . I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What?" He shrugged at me as his look went back to Andy.

I ignored him and told Andy that we should be going home.

"Sorry guys, we should be going now." I waved them goodbye as Andy and I got a taxi and went home.


Welp, that's all for today. Hope you enjoyed. Muah!

Buru buru beri
💙      💙     🍓

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2019 ⏰

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