Chapter 7

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My heart sank. My heart was broken, was...was shattered. "Oh... Hi Caroline. I'm Katie." I gave her a faint smile and reached out for a handshake.

"H-hi. Katie." She shook my hand and smiled. "Who's that is that your boyfriend?" She continued pointing at Andy.

Andy and I looked at each other. "Uhhm no, we're just friends." I mumbled, still forcing myself to smile. But I just can't take it, I stood up and made an excuse to get away from that place.

"E-excuse me, I...I need to use the restroom." I stammered and got my books from the table. "Katie..." I heard Stella stood up and followed me to the bathroom. 

Stella pulled me into a hug, My eyes went blur and I started crying. She was always a shoulder to cry on. "K-Katie..." She rubbed her hands on my back trying to comfort me. I just need to bring it all out and I'll be fine.

I entered the class with my swollen and red eyes. Which is fine 'cause nobody in the squad won't see me like this. Only Stella knows how I feel right now.

But I was wrong. I saw Andy approaching my direction. I rested my head on my desk, trying to hide my face. But it was too late.

"Katie? Is everything fine?" He asked me with a worried voice as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Y-yes, everythings fine." My voice muffled with my head still on my desk. "I know you just cried." He retorted.

I lifted my head and found us face to face. Our eyes met but only for a second. "See." he mumbled. I looked at the ground avoiding to look at him.

"N-no, it-it's fine. I just got hurt." which is true. Emotionally hurt. I forced myself to give him a smile. He smiled back and went back to his seat. I'm not ready to tell him yet. I mean I just met him yesterday. Again


Class just ended, I didn't bother going to the cafeteria. Instead, I just went to the music room with Andy for practice. I just don't feel like Matthew or his girlfriend. I don't know.

"I need to go to the restroom." I told him. "You can go ahead to the music room."

He shook his head. "Hm. I'd rather wait for you here." He gave me a small smile.

"Well, your choice." I said shrugging my shoulders and went inside.



Why isn't she here yet? I was thinking of Katie at that moment at the cafeteria. What in world did I do? I have no idea why I decided to take Caroline as my girlfriend.

To make her jealous? Nah.. There's no way she'd be jealous. I mean she dosen't like me at all... Why would she be?

Caroline was my classmate since 4th grade. I learned that she has a crush on me for years. She's kinda pretty, and friendly, So I took her as my date on Valentine's Day, and asked her if she would be my girlfriend. Just like that. She said yes and... It all went to this: me regretting and asking myself why...

I should've known that this would lead to this. I should've known.

"Matt? Can we get to the rest room?" I heard Caroline as she rested her head on my shoulders showing her puppy face. I looked at Stella and Marvin and found them looking at us weirdly.

I shrugged my shoulders at them and followed Caroline. I just have this feeling that I think I should folow her.

We arrived infront of the restroom of the ladies. "Wait for me here." Caroline smiled and handed me her bag. I gave her a nod then she entered. I looked around and spotted Andy infront waiting. Someone suddenly crossed my mind again. Katie.

"Hey." Andy approached my direction and gave me a small smile. I gave him back a smile and waved at him. My heart still hurts. And even got worse when I saw Katie came out of the rest room and approached Andy. "Andy we're la--" She stopped when she saw me, looking shocked. A felt a smile went through my face when I saw her.

"Katie." I mumbled and tried to hug her.

"I-I, we're late. Sorry." She backed off and grabbed his hand and ran away. "Later!" Andy looked back but Katie just pulled him along. I gave him a nod and smiled.

I wish I can also get a chance to hold her hand. I thought bringing out a sigh and tried to stop the tears coming from my eyes.

"Hey, Let's go?" I felt Carol touch my shoulder. I smiled and nodded at her.

"Let's go."


Sorry for the shorty chapter *Hides face in embarrassment.* I hope I had some things improved? Please lemme know in the comments. ^-^

And yes, as usual I hoped you enjoyed today's chapter. So See you at the next chapter! I love you guys. <3

                                   - buruberri21

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