Chapter 1: A New Life

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Leon contentedly breathed in the crisp, autumn air as he stepped off the claustrophobic plane. The trip from the United States to Buenos Aires had been a bumpy ride which had taken about ten hours. He hadn't gotten any sleep whatsoever, as he was seated in between two elderly women who were constantly leaning over him and chattering to each other.

He rubbed his tired eyes with his palms and forced his feet to keep moving through the crowded airport full of strangers.

Leon, he thought to himself. You're in Buenos Aires, trying to get back to the love of your life. There's no time for sleep. And least, not yet...

"Leon!" a voice called out in the distance. "Over here!"

Leon squinted trying to find where the familiar voice was coming from. Suddenly his gaze stopped on a girl with long, dark hair, wearing her usual outfit that consisted of a dress and ballet flats.

"Francesca," he said rushing over and pulling her into a hug. "I haven't seen you in forever."

"I missed you so much!" Francesca exclaimed. "When I heard from the guys that you were coming back to Buenos Aires, I was absolutely thrilled!"

"It's good to be back," Leon replied, as the two friends made their way to the baggage claim. "I can't wait to see everyone again."

Francesca remained silent when she heard this, and appeared to be deep in thought.

When they had finally put his luggage into her car, she gathered the courage to ask him what was on her mind.

"Leon?" Francesca asked nervously.

"Yeah? What's wrong?" Leon said, scanning her face for any sign of why her expression had turned from one of extreme joy to worry.

"Did you return to Argentina to get back together with Vilu?"

A deep silence overcame the two of them as Fran carefully navigated the car through the city. While she was patiently waiting for an answer from him, Francesca looked over to see tears brimming in Leon's eyes.

"Yeah," Leon finally replied, a sad tone clearly appearing in his voice. "I-I came to get her back. The thing is: I couldn't live without her any longer. I missed her too much to stay in the U.S. for another year."

Francesca's eyes widened at his confession, as her thoughts swirled in all directions.

No, no, no! She thought. This can't be happening! I have to be the one to tell him before he finds out from someone else.

"L-Leon," Fran said shakily. "There's something that you definitely need to know before you take any sort of action."

Leon's eyebrows raised up in quiet anticipation of what his friend was about to say. Surely, whatever she had to tell him wasn't something terrible, right? Perhaps Fran would tell him some good news...

"After you left, Vilu was heartbroken and miserable for a long time. She didn't want to do anything with me or Cami, she even refused to sing. But about a year ago, she..." Fran hesitated.

"What? What happened?" Leon questioned. "You're scaring me."

"About a year ago, Vilu met a guy named Diego, and from the day that she met him he slowly began helping her heal her broken heart. Eventually, they started dating and now they have been together for about eight months. They are very much in love with each other," she said while looking down. "I'm so sorry Leon..."

After the information had slowly sunken in, Leon put his head in his hands, feeling sadness and an overwhelming sense of loss hitting his head first.

"I can't believe that I lost the love of my life," he uttered as he let the first tear fall down his face.

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