Chapter 6: Mending of the Heart

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"Maxi, please remind me why you forced me to come with you to karaoke night?" Leon said, rolling his eyes.

"Are you serious Leon? You haven't left your house since you fought with Violetta. You can't keep yourself locked up forever, please just try to enjoy tonight!" Maxi responded.

"Ok, ok! You've convinced me, I'll try my best."

"Leon, you should know that as your friend I'm only doing this for your well-being."

"Thanks for your support in this." Leon said while looking across the room. "Hold that Violetta? Now I know why you wanted me to come here so badly."


"Vilu!" Camila said. "Stop looking so glum!  You're here to enjoy yourself, not to contemplate about Leon!"

"Sorry, but I completely agree with Cami. Now go up there and sing something. I can't stand to see you doing looking so depressed." Fran prodded.

"Fine, fine. Are you two coming with me?" Violetta sighed.

"How about you sing alone first and after that all three of us will sing together?" Camila suggested.

Violetta nodded her head and unenthusiastically walked up onto the stage. Microphone in hand, she nervously sang the first few lyrics of a duet that she and Leon used to perform when they still were attending Studio OnBeat. When she neared the end of the first verse, she was singing confidently, despite the painful reminder that she had once written these lyrics for Leon.


"I'm going up there," Leon stated to Maxi.

"Wait. What?!" Maxi turned to face Leon, but it was too late, his friend already made it halfway towards the stage.

I know that I hurt her with everything that has happened, but it hurts more to not be with her, Leon thought to himself as he grabbed the second microphone off the table and got on the stage.

His voice blended perfectly with Violetta's just as it always had. Her brown eyes stared at him in shock, yet she kept singing, seeming to enjoy every moment of it.

When the song ended, they stood on the stage staring in each other's eyes as the audience burst into roaring applause. As the next person came up on stage for their turn, Leon kissed Violetta's cheek and whispered into her ear: "Meet me outside."

When Violetta left the building to meet up with Leon, she couldn't help but notice the  beautifully star speckled sky that was free of any sort of obstruction.

"It's a beautiful night isn't it?" Leon asked with a small smile on his face, and then he proceeded to sincerely apologize to Violetta about what had gone down yesterday.

"You don't need to apologize for anything, we both acted out of anger that we felt towards one another and we said things that we regretted later."

"T-there's also something else that I want to tell you, Violetta. I love you a lot, and it hurt me to move far away from you for so long. A-and I need to know one more thing: if Diego wasn't your boyfriend would I still have a chance with you?"

"Leon, of course I would give you another chance. Yesterday, after we fought I realized that deep in my heart I still loved you more than words can explain, but I just didn't want to admit it to myself or to Diego... But right now, I need time to think everything through—alone."

"I completely understand, Violetta," Leon said, pulling her into a hug. "Take as much time as you need."

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