Chapter 9: Suspicions and Uncertainties

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"Vilu," Leon said as they unwillingly pulled away from their long kiss. "I know it might be too soon to ask this, but will you be my girlfriend?"

"Leon..." Violetta looked at him, speechless.

"Oh ok, I understand it's too soon. I'm sorry for asking—" he rambled on.

"Leon! My answer is yes!" Violetta said, wrapping her arms around his neck in a hug.

"R-really?" he asked, beaming. He couldn't quite believe that she would agree after all that had happened.

"Of course, I love you so much!"

"I love you more, Vilu," he whispered as our foreheads touched.

Leon put his hands on her waist and pulled his girlfriend close to him. Just as he was about to kiss her suddenly, they heard a violent rustle in the bushes, followed by intense whispering.

The couple quickly jerked apart, with Leon's shaky voice calling out, "Who's there?"

After a few seconds of waiting for an answer, Violetta whispered cautiously to Leon, "We have to go. Now. I think we're being followed!"

The couple speed-walked, looking behind them, in fear that someone was following them.


"Ugh! Diego!" Ludmila shrieked when Leon and Violetta were out of earshot. "You are such a klutz! You were supposed to stay still in the bushes with me, but of course you had to get scared of a tiny spider! Can't you see that you chased the two away, because of what you did?"

"Ludmila, it was an accident and you know that," he replied, obviously annoyed by his accomplice.

"You better not ever let it happen again! Imagine what would happen if they walked over here and found us."

"Ok, ok! Whatever. Let's just go. Now that we know for sure that Violetta and Leon are back together, we can start the first phase of our plan." Diego said, smirking evilly. "It's time for revenge..."


Hand in hand, Violetta strolled towards her house with her new boyfriend, who also happened to be the love of her life. She couldn't help but grin widely while she thought about him.

Everything is back to normal, she thought dreamily. I can't believe that I'm with Leon could I have been so foolish to ever date Diego?

"Violetta? Violetta!" Leon asked worriedly, as he lifted up her chin with his hand. "What's wrong my love?"

"Nothing, I'm just so happy to be with you again!" she exclaimed, and hugged Leon once more.

Leon smiled, as he held his girlfriend in his arms. The fact that he had gotten her back hadn't sunken in just yet, it felt more like a dream than a reality.

"Do you want to come inside?" Vilu asked as they stopped at her front door.

"I wish I could, my love. But I promised my parents that I would come home early today," Leon said sadly. "I'll see you tomorrow, alright?"

"Well in that case, I already can't wait for tomorrow!"

After Leon said good-bye, he made his way down the street, in an effort to get home as fast as possible. When all of a sudden he heard the clicking of heels on the pavement and the familiar voice of a girl.

"Lion!" Ludmila said, dragging out the letters of his name and hurried to where he was standing, her arms outstretched, waiting for a hug.

"What are you doing back here?" Leon said, his jaw clenching at his enemy's unbearable behaviour.

"Didn't you hear?" Ludmila said, taking offence at his reaction. "I moved back to Buenos Aires, permanently!"

"Great!" Leon replied sarcastically. "Well, if that's all you wanted to tell me, I better be getting home now,"

"No, no! Wait. I joined a drama club with some friends and we needed to write a script, so I just finished it and since you are such a good actor, would you mind reading it over with me?" she lied.

"Ludmila, I don't have time for this!"

"Please? It isn't very long and I'm desperate!"

"Fine. Give me the script!" Leon said, snatching the paper from her hand. Not only did he not have time for this, but also Ludmila was getting more annoying by the minute.

He frowned looking at the script. "This is what I'm supposed to say?"

"Yes! No let's get on with it!" Ludmila said, while secretly gesturing behind her back for Diego to start recording.

Lover's Quarrel
By: Ludmila Ferro

Leon: My love, please tell me what's wrong...

Ludmila: You don't know what's wrong?! Then I'll tell you! You're dating another girl behind my back, that's what's wrong!

Leon: Look, I didn't mean for things to be this way. It just how it happened, she was in a bad situation, her boyfriend had just broken up. She was so vulnerable and weak, and practically forced me to date her.

Ludmila: Alright. I'll accept your explanation, but only this time because our love is so strong!

Leon (hugging Ludmila): I'm so glad, my love. I love you too much to let you go.

Ludmila (blushing): I love you too! But what I don't understand is why you refuse to say her name out loud...

Leon: Because that's how much I detest her. I can't stand her, and I definitely regret agreeing to be her boyfriend.

Ludmila quickly gestured to Diego to turn off the camera and leave.

"Thank you so much, Lion!" she cooed. "Well, I have to go now, bye!"

"Bye?" Leon replied, confused, as he continued walking home.

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