Chapter 2: Love's Burden

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"You know I love you, right?" Diego asked, as he stared deeply into his girlfriend's dark brown eyes.

"How could I forget?" Violetta answered sweetly, while stroking his cheek with her thumb. "You remind me every day...but I'm pretty sure that I love you more."

"Even more than you ever loved Leon?" he countered back, with a small smile on his face.

Violetta looked down, trying not to show how hurt she was by Diego's words. "I don't want to talk about him. He's gone. And he's never coming back. If he really cared for me like he said, then he would have never left in the first place."

Almost immediately, Diego noticed the change in Vilu's expression. "My princess, I'm sorry that I mentioned him. It's just that I can't help but think that you still love him deep inside."

"Diego," she sighed. "You need to understand that just because he is a part of my past, it doesn't mean that I still love him the way I used to. I only feel sadness when I think of what he did to me and I no longer want to live in that world. I love you. Only you..."

When Violetta finished speaking, it seemed as if the whole world had gone silent as they sat, illuminated by the sun that was setting over the oak trees. There was nothing left to say, as they both turned to face each other. Slowly leaning in, they shared a tender kiss in the beautiful moment that lay before them.


Leon's fingers quickly moved over his phone screen, as he typed in Violetta's number, which he knew by heart. Just as he was about to press the "CALL" button, he heard a loud knock on his bedroom door.

"Hey guys," he said, as he opened the door. He desperately tried to cover up his misery as he greeted Camila, Francesca and Maxi. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see if you're doing alright after yesterday, and these two are here to welcome you back to Buenos Aires." Fran said, pointing at Maxi and Camila. "By the way, they also know about what's going on between you and Vilu."

"There's nothing going on between us, Francesca," Leon stated. "At least no anymore, because as you said, she's happy being with Diego."

"Leon, are you seriously going to let Diego win just like that?" Maxi questioned. "In my opinion, the guy is way too overprotective of Violetta."

The three quests sat on Leon's neatly made bed, determined to help with the situation. Their eyes all had a warmth to them as they stared at their friend expectantly.

"What?" Leon asked, apparently not catching on.

"Go talk to Violetta!" they shouted in unison.

"Well," he started. "I was just about to call her phone before you guys got here."

"No, no, no. Leon!" Camila exclaimed. "To show her that you really care you need to talk to her in person. So go! We'll be waiting for you right here."

Leon quickly walked out the door, determined to got meet his true love, but stopped just as he was about to close the door.

"By the way," he said. "Thank you guys for having my back in this."

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