Chapter 3: Unexpected Arrival

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Leon's three solid knocks resounded on the wooden door, shortly before it was opened by Violetta's father, Herman.

"Leon! What a surprise." Herman said, a smile plastered on his face. "I thought that you were still in the U.S.?"

"No sir," Leon responded. "I missed Argentina so much that I had to move back."

"Well, would you like to come in for some coffee or tea?" he asked politely.

"I appreciate the kind offer, but that's not why I'm here. Is Violetta home?" Leon replied in a respectful manner.

"No, I'm sorry, she's not back yet."

"Thank you for your time, sir. Hope to see you soon." Leon nodded and quickly dismissed himself from the Castillo house. He didn't have any time to lose. He still needed to find Violetta.


Diego and Violetta contentedly walked hand in hand through the park. It was almost nighttime, as could be told by the sky's ever changing purple and indigo hues.

"Close your eyes," Diego whispered to his girlfriend. "I have a surprise for you."

Violetta obediently closed her eyes and allowed herself to be led across the grass to their unknown destination. Diego slightly tightened his grip around her waist, as if telling her to not be afraid.

"You can open them now," he quietly told her.

When Violetta opened her eyes, she stopped in her tracks in an attempt to take in the beautiful sight that was before her.

In a small area by the pond, stood two lonely trees, whose branches were now covered in glowing fairy lights. The lightbulbs were strung across, reaching from the first tree to the second one. In between the two trees, was a cement landing on which stood a wooden table for two. Illuminated by the enchanting golden lights on the trees, the place that the couple had passed by many times in broad daylight, looked magical and stunning at night.

"You did all this for me?" Violetta asked, while a large, genuine smile found its way to her lips. When Diego nodded, she grabbed him into a hug and exclaimed, "You're the best boyfriend in the world!"

"Just a boyfriend?" Diego said. "Well, I'm hoping to be something even more for you after tonight."

And with that, he swiftly got down on one knee, while pulling a small square box out of his pocket.

"Violetta Castillo, I have loved you since the day I laid my eyes on you... Will you marry me?"

Just then someone emerged from the shadows, the person not yet seeing what was happening.

"Violetta?" Leon asked, his question sounded more like a statement in the dark night. But when he saw Diego down on one knee, his jaw clenched, his heart stopped beating and his eyes turned cold.

Violetta stood dumbfounded, as she met her ex-boyfriend's gaze for only a few seconds.

All of sudden Leon forced himself to turn around and leave, in order to not let himself look at the sight of his true love marrying someone that he knew wasn't right for her.

However, the image was permanently seared into his memory, and led his heart to start falling apart, piece by piece.

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