Chapter 10

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I looked down at couple minutes later and he was asleep and all I can say is I felt safe in his embrace before I too drifted off to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of clicking. I opened my eyes and looked in the direction of the noise and saw Jimin with his phone in his hands. "Y-Yah Jim-jimin-jiminie!" I yelled trying to get up to chase after him. Jimin ran out of the room assuming that I was chasing him. I was about to until I felt a little weight on my chest. I looked down and saw a sleeping Yoongi. He was led on my chest hugging me with his mouth open a little  letting out cute little snores. I awed at the sight. Yoongi is really cute like this. Wait what am I thinking he's just a friend Tae. I slowly get up and carefully place Yoongi back down on the bed before I sprinted down the stairs and dive bombing Jimin. He let out a gasp and stumbled back tripping over something and landing on the sofa. I laughed before walking away to get something to eat. I walked into the kitchen and saw Jin Hyung cooking some breakfast. "M-mo-mor-morni-morning J-ji-jin h-hy-hyun-hyung" "Morning Tae" "Y-yo-you w-wan-wanted t-t-to t-ta-talk t-to m-me a-ab-about s-so-some-someth-something?" "I will but have something to eat first" he said placing a plate in front of me. I nodded and said a small thanks before eating. A little while later Yoongi joined us and Jin Hyung gave him a plate of food "M-mor-morn-morning Y-yoo-yoongi h-hy-hyun-hyung" "Morning Tae, Morning Jin Hyung" "H-ho-how d-did y-yo-you s-sle-sleep h-hy-hyun-hyung?" "Pretty well thanks Tae for letting me stay but I really should go. Got to check on Min Holly" I nodded. I walked him out of the door and we said our byes before I shut the door and walked back in to the kitchen. "So Tae why didn't you tell me that you are a hybrid?" "I-i th-tho-thou-though-thought t-th-tha-that y-yo-you w-wo-wou-would n-no-not h-hel-help m-me h-hy-hyun-hyung" " Oh Tae i would have helped you either way after all I am not one to discriminate someone based on how they are born. Also I must ask is this why your adoptive parents abused you?" I nodded tears threatening to spill. "Oh Tae" Jin pulled me into a hug as I cried. He drawn small circles on my back as I cried calming me down. "A-an-and m-my p-par-parents w-we-wer-were k-ki-kill-kille-killed f-fo-for th-the-their e-ea-ears a-an-and t-ta-tail" I said crying even harder than before. "Oh Tae" Jin said hugging me tighter rubbing my back to try to calm me down. I pulled out of his embrace and wiped away the tears from my eyes. I then walked out of the kitchen to the front room to see Jimin on his phone with Tannie on his lap. "Hey Tae Tae why are you crying?" I shook my head telling him not to worry about it. He just nodded in understanding knowing that he shouldn't pressure me into saying unless he already knows which he does. "I-I'm t-ta-tak-taki-takin-taking Y-ye-yeo-yeon-yeonta-yeontan f-fo-for a w-wa-wal-walk" I announced taking Tannie off of Jimin's lap and putting on his harness and lead before leaving. The rest of the day went swiftly before I knew it I was going to sleep.

A/N sorry for the short chapter...I hadn't been able to focus on this story as much and just needed to upload something...also I am down Plymouth and not in Bristol where there is WiFi as my friends AimeeFarley and Chimimkooks12 does not have WiFi...

Broken Love(TAEGI! Hybrid) Finished💜Where stories live. Discover now