☆ Fortune Cookie ☆

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I could hear present mic announce. The sports festival had just started and I was stuck in the pro hero lounge that was built for all the pro hero's helping with security. This is where I'd be spending most of my time sadly.

Starring up at the monitor I looked at the kids. I had asked Nezu if I could draft one of the kids and he said I could. But which one would be best.

"Rose Gold?" Someone from behind me said.

I turn to see pro hero Backdraft walking up to me. As well as a handful of other pros. I'll be busy most of the day just making sure every area has proheros securing it.

Can't remember exactly when but I ended up taking a break and falling asleep on one of the tables in the break room. I was awoken when someone had forced my eyes open. And that person was none other than mount lady herself.

"You okay in there." She said. I sat up rubbing my eyes to see Death Arms and Kamui Woods.

"Yea guess I must have drifted off.." I said while yawning. I looked up at the screen and saw that the first round was already over. "I MISSED THE FIRST ROUND! WHO WON?!"

"Some green haired kid." Mount lady said as she sat down next to Kamui Woods who sat right across from me leaving Death Arms to sit next to me.

"Damn wish I could have seen it." I said looking back at the screen. "What are they doing now?"

"Cavalry Battle." Kamui Woods informed me

Death Arms got out a cigarette to smoke before he started talking. "This UA sports festival isn't really about seeing how prepared they are at being hero's is it. It's more like stimulations the competition they'll face if they go pro."

"What are you talking about?" Mount lady asks. I looked over at death arms to have him continue.

"We all know this country is over run by agency right now. If you wanna put food on the table you gotta be willing to step on top of other hero's. That was the whole point of the first round." Death Arms stated.

"That's such a sad way of look at our jobs." Mount lady said.

"Sad but true." I said.

"Seriously Mount lady! You've never had a problem stealing the spot light." Kamui woods said.

I laughed a little at his statement.

"But" Death Arms started again. "On the other hand even if you're battling each other for popularity there's still plenty of cases you have to work together."

"You're right it's like this Calvary battle. Every point you score isn't just for you but for your teammates as well." Mount lady said.

"Plus you have to think how certain quirks would work together and who your compatible with." I said.

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