💚Chapter 14💚

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~Melo's POV~

Eli: "you sure y'all not together?"

"Nigga this is the millionth time you've asked me that"

O: "cause you're not answering the question"

"Why do y'all wanna know who she's with so bad? She don't want none of y'all so trying to talk to her is pointless"

Don: "it's just a question man; relax"

"No we're not together but she's talking to somebody so y'all need to stop flirting with her"

Kaliah: "why you so protective? You act like your her father or something" she laughed

I didn't find that shit funny at all because nobody understood how aggravating it is to watch niggas do yo best friend dirty repeatedly or how frustrating it is listening to yo best friend cry over dumb shit.

I got two goals in life which is to make sure my family's taken care of and to make it to the NBA; I refuse to slack on either one

Eli: "so who's this guy she's talking too?"

I shrugged my shoulders

Don: "I thought y'all told each other everything"

"Man why do y'all care about who's fucking her so much?" I asked rudely

Kaliah: "So somebody IS fucking her?!" She asked with a smirk

I rolled my eyes and walked into the classroom.

Eli: "where you goin?" he asked as I walked away from them

"I'm sitting with Mel cause her friends aren't in this class plus y'all making me irritated" I said as I rolled my eyes and walked toward the back of the class

The guys shrugged m, walked to our usual seats across the room, and sat down

Mel: "you do know that you don't have to sit next to me in every class right?"

"I know but them Niggas making me irritated."

Mel: "what did they do now?" She asked with laugher

"They keep asking stupid ass questions about you"

Mel: "like?"

" like Who you talking to, Who you fucking, and bunch of other shit that's nobody's business but mine"

I watched as she laughed and shook her head

Mel: "I think your overreacting" she said as the teacher put the notes up on the board

"I'm not though; I'm irritated that they keep flirting and shit"

Mel: "okay but who's fucking me?"

"I am" I whispered with a smirk

Mel: "Okay then shut up" she laughed

I just stared at her as she laughed.

Man she was beautiful.

I mean I've always thought she was pretty and I've always had a little crush on her but it wasn't nothing major until now....

Mel: "why you staring at me like that?" She laughed

"You have no idea how bad I wanna kiss you right now" I whispered causing her to laugh

Mel: "boy shut up and take notes" she laughed as she nudged me

I laughed and shook my head then started taking the notes

Mel: "so I've been thinking.."


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