Dating katsuki bakugou

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Damn, we love a boy who goes to sleep earlier then I did when I was 4. It's almost midnight in the Uk, again I have exams tomorrow and plan on winging every single one of them ;)

-Lots of PDA (public display of affection)

-You trying to help him with homework but him eventually flipping the table as he understand your teaching.

-Him letting you win arguments because he doesn't know how to loose against you.

-Him freaking out when you cry.

-Random hugs from him in private

-He searches up online how to be a boyfriend

-despite this he still acts the same way as he usually does.

-you dragging him shopping and him offering to pay for it all "shut up damn it! SHITTY HAIR SAID A MANLY BOYFRIEND PAYS FOR EVERYTHING SO SHUT UP AND ACCEPT IT ALREADY"

-then apologising for shouting whilst not being able to look at you because he's blushing.

-takes Kaminaris advice in how to flirt with you but when it comes out of his mouth all you do is laugh. Him proceeding to threat Denki for making a fool of him.

-Him blushing when calling him Katsuki.

-Denying he was blushing

-gets jealous all the time.

-can't stand it when you talk to Midoriya

-his parents love you

-his mum joking saying she loves you more then him

-you being a good influence on him

-kissing you everywhere and anywhere because he can

-likes to hug you in his sleep then freaking out when he wakes up
"I was just protecting you"

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